Mission Devotional Day 5

Let all the peoples praise you

Mission Devotional Day 5

READ: Psalm 67

Psalm 67 is a beautiful reminder of our dependence upon God and of how God’s faithfulness in our lives can make God’s saving power known to others. You may have noticed that there is not much in the Old Testament that looks like our conception of mission. The word mission comes from the Latin root meaning “to send.” There is not a lot of sending going on.

What we find in the Old Testament is not so much centrifugal movement, a going out, as it is centripetal movement, a drawing in. In this psalm, the nations are called to praise God. The psalmist prays that God will be gracious to his people and bless them in order that God’s way may be known on earth, that his saving power will attract the nations to join in praising God. God has chosen the people of Israel to be his covenant people, but too often they forget that they have been elected for a purpose. The entire history of Israel describes God’s continuing engagement with the nations, yet too often Israel seems content to enjoy the blessing without accepting the responsibility of bearing the blessing.

In our own experience, we often face the same challenge, remembering that we are not called into a kind of “holy huddle.” We do not exist as the church for the sake of ourselves but for the glory of God and his design to bless all peoples.


Can you think of a time in your church’s life when it seemed that the congregation was content to enjoy the benefits of salvation without accepting the call to bless others?

What do you think makes it hard for us to focus outwards in our life of faith?

How might you encourage your church not to hold God’s blessings for themselves? How might you encourage your own family?


Gracious Lord help me to understand that you bless me in order that I might demonstrate your goodness and draw others to you. May I walk in ways that disclose your glory and grace. Amen.