Words from friends on COVID-19: Brazil

From Rev. João Luiz Furtado, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil  


The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, a religious organization founded in 1903, a legitimate branch of the Protestant Reformation of the XVI century, with a wide legacy in mission, currently counting with 769 temples all over the national territory, congregating a contingent of about 100.000 members, under the leadership of 993 pastors and 65 missionaries, took the following posture in view of the serious crises promoted by the new coronavirus affecting both Brazil and the entire world:  

1) As a church, we publicly assume, before God and before the Brazilian and worldly society, our unavoidable position in favor of life. We are servants of the living God (Jeremiah 10.10). We must to obey Him before any other instituted authority. God sent His only son, Jesus, to promote life and to sacrifice his own life so that all human beings have life and have it abundantly (John 10.10);  

2) In spite of the decree of the president of the Republic of Brazil inserting the churches on the list of the essential activities, authorizing the temples to be open (this decree is now sub judice) and in spite some public and administrative authorities are according the presidential decree, the Executive Commission of the General Assembly of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil maintained the decision took in March 20, 2020, when it decided to suspend the presential activities of all local churches, indefinitely, accepting the orientations of the Ministry Health of Brazil and the World Health Organization ordering that all people stay at home, specially during the period of increased contamination;  

3) Orientation to the leaderships of all our churches to use the electronic resources to transmit the services, studies and messages, in order to the members of our communities continue receiving the necessary spiritual support;  

4) Orientation to the leaderships of all our churches to put their dependencies at hand of the public Power in order to care for the sick and support for victims of this tragedy, enforcing in this time of adversity our heritage of integral care with the human life and with all creation of God;  

5) Mobilization of voluntaries, through de Deacon National Secretary, to help old people and people with special needs, purchasing food and medicines to them, as well helping materially the families, both within and inside of the churches, who are victimized by the economic crises that we have in our country. Besides that, realization of a registration of the professional persons in the area of mental health to help people who are in need of emotional support, by phone or videoconference.  

In doing that, the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, following the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ, reaffirms its priority commitment with the preservation of the life of people, waiting that que economic consequences that should be derived of this without precedent crises will be solved by the governmental authorities of Brazil, with the help and orientation of God, as well the participation of all Brazilian people.  

São Paulo, April 2nd, 2020