Words from friends on COVID-19: Brazil

The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPIB), represented by the moderator of his General Assembly, the Rev. João Luiz Furtado, wants to express profound acknowledgment for the donation of $4000 to be used for the development of some projects of great relevance to the kingdom of God and our mission in our country.

The world is living in times of calamity. There is a crescent expectation that, in the next months, a strong crisis in the economy will affect all the sectors of our society all over the planet. With the church, it will not be different, especially with the pastors and missionaries that make their living from the offering of the local churches.

Worried about this situation, the IPIB is developing just now some actions to minimize the impacts of the crisis and, at the same time, to strengthen the projects of plantation and revitalization of churches that are in progress in our denomination.

For this, we are developing strategies to raise funds with our partners, aiming for attending the pastors and missionaries in need of spiritual and financial help, serving them according to our human and financial resources, our goal is to attend and to serve our brothers and sisters that will be in need in the following forms: promoting the union of different generations in the support to the families; praying for provision to the churches of Brazil and of all the world; developing and distributing instruction material about the subject of generosity to the members of our churches; producing and promoting communicational and educational material for the pastors, missionaries, and their families.

The participation of The Outreach Foundation is of the utmost importance for the success of this great project. We are willing to keep this channel constantly open in order to face together the new challenges in this way, we will be messengers of joy and comfort to many people in need of our services.

The Outreach Foundation