Words from friends on COVID-19: Egypt

From Dr Tharwat Wahba, Professor of Missions at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo and Chairman of Pastoral and Outreach Ministries Council, (POMC) 

Dear Egyptian church friends and partners,

Peace in Christ 

Hope all of you are doing fine with your loved ones through COVID-19  pandemic. We pray for God’s protection and mercy to everyone. And “Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing”, (Isaiah 40:26) NIV, this is our trust in His word as we are in His mighty hands.

In Egypt we are trying to adjust with this new challenge. The Egyptian government is doing great efforts to protect people by putting tough measures trying to limit the spread of the virus. Schools, universities, cafes, and restaurants are closed. Malls and shops are working till 6:00 pm, from Sunday to Thursday and completely closed on Fridays and Saturdays. We are in curfew from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm, all public transportation stops through these hours. 

However, we can also see many benefits from slowing down and enjoying our families, come close to God asking for His mercy.

Many of the services of our churches turned to be online. There are many prayer groups almost every day. Many churches offer online prayers and teachings. Even some kids’ ministries are going online. The Synod of the Nile closes all offices, we are working from home. The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo is running all its courses online. 

We have many challenges to pray for: 

  • Churches and pastors who are trying to care for their people. 

  • The needy families who lost their income because of closer of micro businesses. 

  • Church leaders to take wise decisions on the right time to comfort the people during their fears. 

  • That God uses this time to be the day for purification and repentance for many. 

  • Pray that God may stop the virus and bring healing for the infected people. 

  • That our Lord empower doctors, nurses and scientists who are trying to stop the pandemic. 

We pray the same for you, as we are all facing the same challenge. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please circulate this letter to your friends. 

Thanks, and blessings, 

POMC family