Words from friends on COVID-19: South Sudan

Greetings to you in the name of Christ our Savior! We want to send you a quick update on our current situation. In light of the current global Coronavirus pandemic, Presbyterian World Mission requested all mission co-workers to return to the U.S. We had prepared to 'shelter-in-place' in Juba, but realized that with the uncertain future and border closings it might be good to return. We made quick plans and left Juba on Sunday to return to the U.S. We are self-isolating for a couple of weeks as a precaution in case we picked up anything while traveling, and then will be staying in IL until we can return to Juba.

It was very hard to leave! We had returned to Juba in January and were so glad to be home, then being uprooted at a time when home is a source of comfort was painful and disconcerting. On Sunday just before leaving, we read Psalm 23 in the message version, and took comfort in the concluding verse, "I'm back home in the house of God for the rest of my life." Truly, our home is with God, wherever we are, and we are grateful for His promises and presence.

We join you in this strange and scary time of watching this pandemic unfold. We are doing our best to stay grounded and healthy. We have been reading Psalm 20 and 46 frequently, which has encouraged us and reminded us in Whom we trust. Psalm 20:7-8 says "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm." May our God who loves us and who sees us help us to stand firm when everything around us seems to be shaking. Some of our colleagues in South Sudan are praying that this crisis will prompt a turning to God in the U.S. and in Europe. In South Sudan, where they do not have the benefit of good medical care and government safety net or stimulus packages, faith becomes the only rope to hold onto for many people. May this time of being stripped of our security help us cling tighter to our life in God and freedom in Christ that no sickness can take away.

We will send out a newsletter in a couple of weeks with more updates on recent activities through our partners in South Sudan. Please pray for us, that we would be able to stay connected with our colleagues in South Sudan even while we are in the United States. South Sudan currently does not have any confirmed cases of Coronavirus (one of the last few countries in the world with that status!), so pray that God protects and spares them from this disease as advanced medical care is sparse. South Sudan has closed its airports and borders completely, which now brings a new concern that there will be enough food, as much of the food is imported from Uganda or other neighboring countries.

We join you in praying for protection on those who are vulnerable, and for God's peace and hope to shine through all of us. We always love to hear from you and welcome any questions or encouragement you have!

In Christ,
Bob and Kristi Rice

The Outreach Foundation