A prayer from a pastor in Wuhan City, China

My Lord have mercy on our city, Wuhan, and listen to our petitions!

Lord, you hear the plea of EVERY soul in this city! People of this city are so exhausted after weeks of home isolation, so concerned about being infected at the food market, and so worried about the uncertain future. May your words be the comfort of this city, and your promises our hope, then all our beings will enjoy real peace and rest.

My dear Father, you know the plight of every hospital and medical ward! But you are the Lord of richness which is willing to provide the needed medical materials for patients, those waiting to receive treatment and all the medical staff! May You prepare and open ALL the channels to provide.

Our healing God, please cure and save those infected including pastors and brothers and sisters in the Lord! Strengthen your children so that they may receive your hope and joy. That even those that are lost may hear the Gospel and trust in you.

In the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

ChinaThe Outreach Foundation