Eight things to know about Brazil…and a trip opportunity.

by Juan Sarmiento

  1. Brazil is the largest and most populous country in Latin America.

  2. Presbyterianism dates to 1859. It has grown to be a denominational family of more than 1.5 million people.

  3. The Outreach Foundation has connected congregations and individuals in the US to come alongside initiatives of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPIB, by its initials in Portuguese). The main areas of partnership have been the development of lay leaders as well as to plant churches among poor and unchurched populations. The IPIB is a faith family with approximately 586 congregations.

  4. Since the beginning of our involvement close to 40 years ago, Protestant churches have grown from 5 million to more than 50 million members, mostly Pentecostal and Charismatic. That represents an increase of 1,000%. Official figures estimate that by 2032 they will need they will be more than half of the total population.

  5. Brazil has the 9th largest economy in the world, after Italy and before Canada. However, 1 in 4 Brazilians live on under $ 6.00 a day, and at least 1 in 10 are unemployed. The country is slowly recovering from its worst recession in history after decades of rapid economic growth.

  6. Given the increased pressures on those called to church leadership, there is a growing trend of suicide among pastors and priests. In recent years Outreach has supported a movement of ongoing pastoral renewal through a ministry called SARA. The network involves more than 400 pastors.

  7. There are approximately one million people from the Brazilian diaspora in the United States, primarily in Florida, California, and Massachusetts. The Orlando area alone has more than 60 Brazilian congregations

  8. Outreach has been involved in nurturing the mission vision and theology in the country. Brazil is now among the countries that send the most missionaries, along with The United States and South Korea. In October, we are also co-sponsoring a consultation to bring Presbyterian mission leaders from our countries and others together with to discuss ways of collaborating more closely.

If you would like more information about how to partner with Presbyterians in Brazil, please contact Jose Pezini at pezini@theoutreachfoundation.org, who, for the last 20 years, has served as our coordinator for Portuguese speaking ministries. If you would like to gain a closer perspective, I would also like to invite you to travel with me on our next trip! Our itinerary includes the Amazon region, rich in natural and spiritual treasures as well as the modern state of Sao Paulo. The theme of that journey will be Missional and Missionary Spirituality.