“Grace to you and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 

by Jack Baca

“Grace to you and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

I often use this phrase to greet people for worship, and sometimes to greet them in the grocery store, too! It is the perfect phrase with which to greet you now. Of course, you recognize these words that the Apostle Paul so often used himself to greet some of the very first followers of Jesus. We know this because of the letters he wrote to churches who had been started either through his own work or the work of others. It is a great missionary phrase from a great missionary. Most importantly, it speaks of the Father’s mission to us, accomplished in the work of the Son. The very same mission work continues today, from the Father and the Son to the whole world, in the present power of the Spirit.

You and I are part of this work of sharing and embodying the Gospel in the world. And so, I write to ask for your support, particularly through the work of The Outreach Foundation.

You are familiar with the work we are privileged to be part of in thirty-seven countries around the world. I hope that some of you have traveled with us to experience the challenges and joys of this work, as I have. Participating with sisters and brothers of Christ in their own ministries around the world requires that work be accomplished here in the United States, with people like you. We need staff to preach and teach in American congregations, to manage a budget of over $7 million, to send wire transfers and manage databases, to communicate with mission partners, to arrange and lead trips, and to attend to the countless other tasks of doing Jesus’ business. I am proud of how efficient the Foundation is when it comes to these essential but often overlooked aspects of worldwide ministry.

Like you, I wish that every dollar given for this work could go completely and directly to the people with whom we partner. And so, with this Annual Appeal letter, I’m asking you to give to this vital undergirding and enabling work. Many folks do not consider this type of need, but I’m sure that you understand it, and I pray that you’ll support it. We would love nothing more than to be able to say to the family of congregations and individuals who make our work possible that every single dollar they give goes “to the field” because of the generosity of people like you who take care of the business “back home.”

Someday, we hope to have our administrative functions fully funded through endowment income. Until that day comes, we need your help to close the gap. In the end analysis, supporting the work of the leaders and staff of our Foundation is exactly the same as feeding a person who is starving for food and also hungry for the Good News about Jesus. One type of work cannot be separated from another. Again this year, my wife and I will participate in the Annual Appeal. Will you? To make your gift, either mail a check to the Outreach office or give online.

In Christ’s Service and Yours,

Jack Baca

Outreach board member, traveler, and friend