Outreach's 40th Anniversary: Letters from Friends #3

To The Outreach Foundation:

I offer my heartfelt congratulations to you all for this 40-year anniversary celebration. The Outreach Foundation has walked with Sherri and me ever since we were first seeking to discern a call, which first led us to Egypt for five years and then to Zambia, where we have served since 2010.

Jeff Ritchie and Rob Weingartner have walked with us and been such sources of encouragement. Outreach staff have prayed for us. Friends and congregations have come alongside us in appreciating Outreach, entrusting their resources for student scholarships at Justo Mwale and other projects as well. In the two seminaries I've served, in Egypt and Zambia, Outreach is widely known and respected. The impact of Outreach's partnership is widely on display through buildings and facilities that otherwise might not exist. Yet those structures are really a lot like the scholarships raised through Outreach -- they're about human beings who have been trained and those who continue to be trained and equipped for ministry in many countries of the Middle East and Africa. God has touched these students' lives through Outreach, and thus God touches the world through Outreach.

Thank you for playing a key role in the movement and progress of the gospel. Thank you so much for all that you have done. Congratulations on this special anniversary. I'm so thankful to call The Outreach Foundation a friend and partner. May God guide and bless you in the years ahead!

Dustin Ellington

PC(USA) Coworker

Justo Mwale University

Lusaka, Zambia