We Have Come Together - Tumekutana 2018

by Caryl Weinberg

Tumekutana is a Swahili word meaning “We Have Come Together.” Founded 11 years ago, the Tumekutana conference began as a gathering of Presbyterian and Reformed women leaders from 16 countries in Africa and 26 denominations. This year’s conference, the fourth Tumekutana gathering, will include women from 23 countries and 33 denominations.

Each conference focuses on a theme identified by the African women, relevant to the setting of the gathering. During the conference women receive training, are challenged and encouraged, and establish friendships and networks that go far beyond each meeting. Whether leading women in a denomination of five million people or “only” 250,000, these women leaders have important roles with the potential for significant impact on the women and families in their churches and countries. Most do not have access to regional and international forums other than Tumekutana, which focuses particularly on them.

This year’s conference will take place from September 15-21 in Johannesburg, South Africa, with the theme “Woman: You are the Image of God.”

“In the image of God, he created them: male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 (NLT)

The conference speakers and facilitators will primarily be African women and leaders. Rev. Najla Kassab, President of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, pastor from the Evangelical Synod of Lebanon and Syria, and friend of The Outreach Foundation, will be a special guest and will lead parts of the meeting. Other leaders include African female pastors and scholars from various countries who will speak to this important theme. There are four denominations in South Africa, all of which will take part in hosting the gathering. Prayers for the gathering are coveted, as well as help in bringing these women together.

The Outreach Foundation values and invests in women in the majority world. Outreach partnered with Tumekutana in Ghana in 2015 and we are pleased to do so in Johannesburg in 2018 through our Women's Ministries in Africa project. Please consider making a gift HERE for this encouraging and empowering conference for African women or mailing a check to the Outreach office designated “Tumekutana.” A contribution of $1,800 will provide transportation, food and lodging for one African woman participant, while a contribution of $400 will provide a scholarship for the attendance fee to a woman who cannot afford the cost.

For more information on this conference, please contact Caryl Weinberg at cweinberg@firstpresevanston.org or Ebralie Mwizerwa at ebralie@theoutreachfoundation.org.

Caryl Weinberg
The Outreach Foundation Trustee
Mission Director, First Presbyterian Church, Evanston, IL