Equipped to Make a Difference in Cuba

Maricela Muniz

by Juan Sarmiento

Life will never be the same for Maricela Muñiz. She will soon graduate from the Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary (SET, for its initials in Spanish) in Matanzas, Cuba, where God has transformed and called her to serve him in her native country of Cuba.  

Her first touch with the seminary was in grade school. Maricela was brought up in two locally popular religious traditions, Santeria and Spiritism. However, at the age of 12, she attended Sunday School through a program sponsored by SET in her small rural village. It was there that she first came to the realization of God’s grace in her life through Jesus Christ. “I realized that God could help me with my difficulties and give me hope,” she shared. As she was nurtured and grew in her faith, she began to feel God’s call to ministry. 

Upon completing high school, she enrolled in the bachelor of theology program at SET. “My understanding of our participation in God’s mission has grown tremendously during the three years that I have been here,” says Maricela. In her quiet but strong way, she says she feels equipped to make a difference and is confident in her ministry.

Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary

Maricela’s ministry focus has been the growing youth movement in her denomination. When she completes the program later this year, she will likely return to lead the youth program, focusing on teaching faithful responses to the expanding “prosperity gospel” and other toxic spiritualties that are spreading rapidly in Cuba. 

Praise God for lifting up young people like Maricela to serve the growing church in Cuba in the name of Jesus Christ.  

Juan Sarmiento
Associate Director for Mission

The Outreach Foundation