Posts in South America
New Church Development in Central Brazil - May 2013 Update

Dear Mission Partners,

Grace and peace of the Lord be with you all.

Our cool season has finally arrived. According to the weather bureau in Brasilia, the temperature will continue to be stable with cool air and no rain. The flu season has also arrived here in Brazil. The local governments are well-prepared for this problem. Every city’s health clinic is offering free vaccinations for senior citizens and children in order to combat the swine flu. The federal government does more vaccination campaigns through websites and TV stations, schools, bus stations, and airports.

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Gordon and Dorothy Gartrell - May 2013 Update

Dear Friends,

Holy Week celebration at the Sacramenta congregation was wonderful. The adults participated in special services. The children helped make a bulletin board with the important events of Holy Week, created a variety of artwork, and sang at the Easter worship service. After the worship service, we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the congregation with cake and soft drinks.

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