Posts in Missionaries
China Ministry Update - August 2015

For the past seven years The Outreach Foundation has been pleased to have the Rev. Dr. Peter Lim as our China Mission Specialist. In this role Peter has nurtured and deepened the relationships we have been developing with the Church in China since 1993. He has overseen projects which have built the capacity of the Church in China to carry out its calling to share the good news in word and deed among China’s 1.3 billion people. 

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Dustin and Sherri Ellington (PCUSA) - June 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

On May 9 we had our first graduation ceremony under our institution’s new name, Justo Mwale University. The school has transitioned from Justo Mwale Theological College to what Zambia’s government calls a “university college” to a full university. We are now a (small) university. Our main work is still to prepare people to become pastors in countries throughout Southern Africa. 

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John McCall (PCUSA) – May 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Sunday afternoon, May 17, 2015, I had the privilege of offering words of blessing to one of my former students who was being installed as the senior pastor of one of the larger Taipei churches. It was an interesting service because it included a celebration of the retiring pastor and the installation of the new pastor. The retiring pastor and the new pastor have served together for the past five months as a kind of bridge time.

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Peter Lim - April 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Seattle, WA! I have just returned from Charlotte after our board and staff meetings in Nashville. I was also back in our office in Franklin in early January for a consultation with two of our executive leaders. Both meetings provided opportunities to renew relationships and to meet new friends. It was an uplifting time.

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José Carlos Pezini - April 2015 Update

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends in Christ, 

Peace be with you all from our Lord Jesus Christ. My wife, Odete, and I are full of joy as we reflect on what God is doing in our lives and ministry in Brazil. The retreat and mentoring ministry we started three years ago, “SARA” (meaning “healing”), is multiplying every day. 

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk (PCUSA) - February 2015 Update

Dear Friends, 

Hard to believe that 2014 is now past and a new year has begun. One of the first things we want to do this year is let you know how important your prayers and support are to us. For many of you, your support has been ongoing for a number of years, for others this is a new partnership. Thank you very much for all of the ways that you have supported us! Please know that no gift or prayer is too small – God combines them all to further his kingdom in Madagascar and let people know of his love and salvation.

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Peter Lim (Outreach) - January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! I am sure you have been looking forward to receiving this prayer letter since Thanksgiving. However, due to my relocation, this letter was not done on time. Please pardon me for the tardiness.

Stephanie and I moved from Spokane to Seattle in December.  We were “homeless” for about two weeks in between moving out of our home of 11 years in Spokane and moving into the new house in Seattle. It was challenging, but his grace was sufficient throughout our journey. Thanks to your faithful prayers that sustain us in our walk with him.


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John McCall (PCUSA) - January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

I recently arrived back in Taiwan after speaking at a missions conference in San Diego. I was speaking to the Taiwan track of this conference. Altogether there were 3,400 mostly Chinese and Taiwanese immigrants to the U.S. Most of them had become Christians after immigrating to the United States. There were folks of all ages including people who had come to the U.S. to study and then had found jobs here. Others are current students from both China and Taiwan. Many of the young people were born in the U.S. of immigrant parents (ABC: American-born-Chinese or ABT: American-born-Taiwanese).

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Todd and Maria Luke (Outreach) - January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

In the villages where we build cisterns, not many Christmas lights glow. That’s fine. Our Presbyterian partners have their own traditions. For most, the highlight was an evening long worship service on the 24th. Kids sing. Grown-ups lead prayers, sing hymns, and read scripture. Most churches do not have a pastor, so church members deliver the Christmas message. Following worship, there is a big meal. Very few gifts will be exchanged between friends or family members. Resources are limited, families are big and gift giving is not part of the Christmas tradition. Nevertheless, folks will give thanks again and again for the abundance of blessings received from the Lord, even though they have also endured illness, death of loved ones, unimaginable heartbreak and poor harvests during the past year. 


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Choon and Yen Hee Lim (PCUSA) - December 2014 Update

Dear Friends and Partners in Mission,

“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:18

As part of World Mission’s call to address violence around the world, we invite individuals and congregations to consider engaging more deeply in God’s work of reconciliation in cultures of violence, including our own. God’s work of reconciliation is the heart of the gospel message. One of my roles is to facilitate and implement ministries of reconciliation in my East Asia area.


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José Carlos Pezini (Mission Staff) - December 2014 Update

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends in Christ,

Merry Christmas to you all. I pray that God brings much joy to your heart during this Advent season.

As this year comes to an end, I would like to thank you for your love, prayers and support for our ministry. This year was a blessing. God is multiplying our ministry since we returned to Brazil. As this year comes to an end, I would like to thank you for your love, prayers and support for our ministry. 

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk (PCUSA) - December 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

Friday, December 19, 2014 was an historic step in the process of national reconciliation in Madagascar. The current president of Madagascar met with the four former presidents at a hotel in Ivato. The meeting was moderated by the four leaders of the FFKM, an ecclesiastical entity formed by the Catholic, FJKM, Lutheran, and Anglican churches.

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Don and Martha Wehmeyer (Antioch Partners) - November 2014 Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of the Lord! Martha and I would like to share our gratitude with all our partners in ministry this Thanksgiving holiday. Every church, every brother and sister in Christ who has prayed for and supported us is a blessing from God. As we get older the fact that God has worked in so many hearts amazes us more and more. We have known his promises in the sacred Scriptures are true, but now we know they are really, really true

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Alan and Ellen Smith (PCUSA) - November 2014 Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! After many weeks on the road, I am finally able to pause and reconnect. I have a lot of catching up to do. Our summer was intense to say the least. All three of us were in Russia for the month of July so that we could support the many groups that visited in spite of the media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis.


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John McCall (PCUSA) - October 2014 Update

Dear Friends,

I've been back in Asia for a couple of months, and it's been wonderful to reconnect with friends here and also catch my stride as I serve with the church in this vast continent. Earlier in September I flew to Malaysia, about a five-hour flight, to teach with a long-time Taiwanese friend and colleague. Most Christians in Malaysia are ethnic Chinese, so we can teach in Mandarin. Malaysia is a wonderful culturally-rich country with different people groups: Malay (who are almost all Muslim), ethnic Chinese, ethnic Indian, and the aboriginal Malaysians. 

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