Posts in Missionaries
Dustin and Sherri Ellington - April 2013 Update

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Zambia. I realize people appreciate stories of what God has done, and we do like to share those! But my experience is that the most significant stories I’m involved in are just beginning. My calling is to equip and prepare others for ministry. I teach students, I preach to them, I befriend them, and sometimes I have to correct them. I also do a lot of listening, whether in class discussions, as seminarians preach, informally between classes, or sitting with them in my office. I teach, but I also try to offer a pastoral presence in students’ lives, to take part in what God is doing to mold and shape them for future ministry.

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Jeff and Christi Boyd - April 2013 Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I (Christi) was recently in Niger at the request of the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) to follow up on water projects established the last several years through the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. Jeff had been asked to accompany a joint delegation from PC(USA) and the Reformed Church in America, including World Mission staff, mission workers, and Dr. Rob Weingartner, executive director of The Outreach Foundation. It was a good opportunity for me to take part as an agent from the Compassion, Peace and Justice ministry to make the team multidisciplinary.

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