Posts in Middle East
Syria Lebanon Partnership - February 2022 Update

Mathilde and Firas, two bondservants of Christ Jesus, were sent to shepherd God’s people in the Al-Hasakeh Governorate in the far northeastern corner of Syria. This tip of the country is bordered by Turkey in the north, the Tigris in the northeast, Iraq in the southeast, and the Euphrates in the southwest. It is a contested region, forgotten by much of the world, where Turkey has annexed a swath of the north and the Kurds have declared it an autonomous region. It is to this impossibly difficult region that Mathilde, Firas, and their families were called.

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New Church Development in Egypt - February 2022 Update

Yellow Mountain became “Green with growth”

“Yellow Mountain” is a rather picturesque-sounding name for a sprawling slum area in greater Cairo to which many people migrated from other parts of the country to find more opportunities. Most of those people are from poor backgrounds and had lived in small villages. About 10 years ago, one of the seminary students from ETSC (Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo), Jimmy Wageeh, went to the area to meet some of those families. He started by visiting them in their homes, forming a Bible study group, and then serving kids. After the number of families increased, they rented a place to have ministry and worship. The church grew in both number and quality of services.

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - February 2022 Update

My name is Mofreh Abdelmasieh (pictured on the left). I’m from a village called Dashloot. I grew up in an evangelical family. My father is an elder in our village church, which was founded by American missionaries in 1886. My father loves the church, and I was raised hearing about the important role of the church in people’s lives. When I was young, my father talked to me about becoming a pastor, but I rejected that idea until I went to university. I started serving with a ministry helping students develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ then leading them on the journey of discipleship. I continued for three years until I graduated and began my military service. While serving in the military, I heard God call me to pastoral ministry, so I made the decision to attend ETSC.

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Musalaha - February 2022 Update

Musalaha is a faith-based organization that teaches, trains, and facilitates reconciliation, mainly between Israelis and Palestinians from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, but also international groups, based on biblical principles of peace, tolerance, and love. We recently received news about Musalaha from Executive Director Daniel Munayer:

I find myself both excited and humbled to be taking on the role of Executive Director. I am well aware of the big shoes I have to fill, but together as a team, we have already begun rethinking our strategy and approach as an organization. Some changes include revisiting our organizational structure and sharpening our mission statement. Some other changes include further developing our projects domestically and expanding our vision and expertise internationally.

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Europe Initiative - January 2022 Update

Jesus, Bread of life, Multiplying Loaves and Lives in Liverpool

This story has been used with permission from Operation Promises.

Imagine fleeing from your home, cut off from family and friends, and facing an unknown future. This is the painful reality confronting many refugees. Layered on this trauma is the uncertainty and pain of the pandemic. Yet, there is hope and life to be found even in the midst of these distressing times. The Frontline Iranian Refugee Church, located in the heart of Liverpool, is a place where God is working and bringing about new life and a hopeful future for many displaced people.

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Refugee Appeal - January 2022 Update

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40

It is not in the news much these days, but it is a significant part of the ministry we do, especially in places like Jordan, Lebanon, and South Sudan. And we do it with your help, my friends. There are currently more than 80 million displaced people around the world – that means one out of every 97 people – and more than 40% are children. This desperate situation is compounded by the pandemic as well as by the economic disasters of host countries, such as is in Lebanon.

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Palestinian Bible Society - Update

The Palestinian Bible Society’s 8th “Bible Day”

The Bible Day event has become an anticipated annual event bringing unity, joy, and strength to the different denominations in the Holy Land. Though last year’s event was online, due to the pandemic, the event took place this year in one of the most spiritually significant settings in the world, the Nativity Church in Bethlehem – where the birth of Jesus happened and where Jerome translated the Hebrew Bible into Latin, now known as the Vulgate.

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New Church Development in Egypt - Update

A New Church Begets a New Church!

The population of Egypt is more than 100 million people, making it the 14th most populous country in the world. The phenomena of internal migration opened many doors for God’s work as thousands of families began moving to megacities like Cairo and Alexandria. As a result, the need for new churches continues to grow. The Egyptian government will give land for churches in new cities but the building must begin within 3 years or the land will revert to the government. This is both an exciting opportunity and a big challenge! In previous eras, churches had a very difficult time obtaining permits to build, or even to make minor repairs. Thus, this season is a “golden window” that the Church in Egypt is trying to take advantage of while it lasts.

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Near East School of Theology - December 2021 Update

A timeline of history from a Beirut seminary

On The Outreach Foundation’s October visit to Lebanon (and on into Syria), we stopped by to visit our beloved partner, N.E.S.T. As always, President George Sabra made time for us, and we got caught up over the little cups of Arabic coffee which seem to be perpetually “on tap” in the faculty lounge. As no one in our group was making their first visit, we did not need to tour the facilities. But I did have a special request, mindful that most of our team was unaware of a “treasure” tucked away in the library here: the translation papers of Dr. Cornelius Van Dyke (1818-1895), a Presbyterian missionary who completed the translation of the Bible into Arabic (from the Hebrew and Greek). That translation is still the most used and beloved one throughout the Middle East.

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Musalaha Ministry of Reconciliation - December 2021 Update

Young Adults Seeking New Ways to be “Community”

A Muslim-Christian Young Adults group recently went to Jordan to take several excellent workshops on volunteerism, participate in a Youth Leader Seminar, and experience several cultural activities.

Organized by eight Danish volunteers, the workshop leaders shared with the Palestinians reasons why they volunteer, how they volunteer, and what they do when they volunteer back in Denmark. They then challenged the group to explore the causes that motivate them the most and to design their own volunteer outreach program when they return to Bethlehem.

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Bethlehem Bible College - December 2021 Update

Graduates Making a Difference in Christ’s Kingdom

Baseel and Ghaida Daibes are Bethlehem Bible College (BBC) graduates. Baseel graduated in 2016 and Ghaida in 2017, both from the Biblical Studies program. They met at the college, fell in love, and got married in 2015. They now have a beautiful boy named Iyad, and they live in a small town north of Palestine called Zababdeh. They shared:

Bethlehem Bible College had a huge effect on our lives; we learned incredible things about the Bible, and we grew in our faith. But mostly we loved the atmosphere and the relationships between the students, faculty, and staff!

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Syria Lebanon Partnership - December 2021 Update

In late October, I led a team from The Outreach Foundation to Lebanon and then into Syria to meet with our partners, especially the congregations and leaders of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. During the intense 9 days we spent in Syria we were able to visit 7 congregations and all 16 of the pastors and seminarians who are leading these congregations. One of the team, Rev. Mike Kuhn, recounts the time we spent in the south of Syria, not far from the border with Jordan.
Marilyn Borst, Associate Director

“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

One imagines the gospel writer’s knowing smile as he records Nathaniel’s question. The place one is from inevitably leaves its imprint on the soul and destiny. Occasionally, the stigma of origin is overcome by the power and beauty of the person, much as Jesus upended Nazareth’s sketchy reputation.

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - December 2021 Update

In an October ceremony overflowing with gratitude, after two decades of service, Dr. Atef Gendy passed the baton of leadership, to his friend and colleague, Dr. Hani Hanna. Numerous dignitaries including members of the Egyptian Senate and House of Representatives attended the event which was hosted by the Heliopolis Evangelical Presbyterian Church. After welcoming comments by ETSC Board President Dr. Youssef Samir, a video collage illustrated the seminary’s remarkable growth over the past twenty years. It noted Dr. Gendy’s gifted leadership, including his work in building partnerships across the world, strengthening the faculty, renovations of the campus, and recent accreditation by the European Council of Theological Education.

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Together for the Family - November 2021 Update

After the team headed home following our journey into Syria in late October, two of us remained to visit partners like Together for the Family, which serves Syrian refugee families in the Beqaa Valley with hope and with healing. TFF Director, Izdihar Kassis Issac, welcomed Lois Andrews (First Presbyterian San Diego) and me with joy and showed us around to experience glimpses of some of the ministries which she and her staff offer: a dental clinic, basic education classes for little ones who have not had much schooling because of the war in Syria, skills training in things like carpentry and sewing. The women in the sewing class were hard at work making holiday items for a Christmas bazaar to be held soon in Beirut. We also visited a class that is training women to work in hair and nail salons.

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Europe Initiative - November 2021 Update

Behzad and Sameh are Iranian Christians who live in Turkey as refugees. For many years they have had a calling to minister to the Iranian youth and mentor many of them in their walk with God. They especially have a tender heart for the youth that are struggling with issues of faith, identity, and hope about their future. Many of these young people (who are also refugees in Turkey) find Behzad and his family safe people that they can confide in and relate to as friends.

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Hope for Syrian Students - November 2021 Update

After a two-year hiatus (first necessitated by political upheaval and then by the pandemic), the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon has been able to open their 4 schools for Syrian refugee children. This one, in Tripoli, started at the end of October with 65 children in four classes but will expand when they are able to hire an additional teacher. There are already many children on a waiting list.

As the principal, Dominique Nazha (l), and Rev. Rola Sleiman (r), pastor of the Presbyterian Church there explained to me on my recent visit, most of the families of these kids fled from the area around Homs, Syria, and few had ever been to school. So, even 10-year-olds may be learning the alphabet or writing their names for the first time. Dominque “broke down the statistics” of the older class of children who are 9 or 10: in a class of 13, only 2 knew the alphabet, a few could write their names, but most were completely illiterate. In a “normal” school these children would automatically be placed into the 4th or 5th grade based upon their age – where they would likely fail. But here, there is no shame in being behind and each student is attended to according to their learning needs.

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New Church Development in Egypt - October 2021 Update

As the Egyptian church is growing in church planting ministry, there are many stories about honest and dedicated lay people who gave their lives for the Lord. Although they might be simple in their appearance, their faith is very strong and deep.

One of these stories is about the head of a family in a remote village in Upper Egypt. Al Kom Alahmar is a village on the edge of the desert that is home to Bedouin tribes. Some of them are fundamentalist in their attitude against Christians and the work of the church. Our story is about Elder Khamis, the head of a Presbyterian family in the village. He passed away this summer but he was a man of integrity who built peaceful and healthy relationships with the neighborhood. He dedicated himself to the work of the Lord when he gave part of his own house to be a church and invited ministers from the Presbytery to hold Bible study and prayer meetings. He began to win over those who were against the work of the church as this house church served the needs of the community in healthcare, education, and other services.

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Together for the Family - September 2021 Update

The Family Oasis

Twelve years passed and I never gave up on this dream: Together for the Family needs a permanent center for its various activities after all our years of renting land and putting up temporary structures. Perhaps it was more wishful thinking than even a dream! Who could afford to pay for a property? With the global crisis that the world is facing, who would think to help us buy a piece of land in Lebanon? Those who know me well will understand that I do not easily give up my dreams!

I shared my dream with several friends and, in June, sent an appeal to all our partners after we found an appropriate piece of land for an exceptional deal. One of our partners is a dear sister, Dr. Sharon Ayabe, who visited us a couple of times, coming all the way from Hawaii. In June Sharon’s sister, Cheryl suddenly passed away. Cheryl loved Jesus and others - especially children and families. In life, she was gentle and generous. Sharon and her dad experienced unending sorrow until the Lord lifted their heads and dried their tears with the idea of the Family Oasis! It would be a place for the expanded and consolidated ministry of Together for the Family where everyone who enters it would surely find comfort, love, peace, and a better future. They began giving and raising funds to purchase the land. The major bulk of funding for the purchase was raised by Sharon and her dad and others joined in as well. In no time the long-awaited dream became a reality!

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