Posts in Asia
China Partnership - August 2021 Update

Yes, the challenges are increasing. No, we have not lost our hope in Jesus Christ. This was the message we heard during our first limited-audience forum on China, “Telling it like it is: the church in China now.”

Challenges are reminiscent of what we witnessed years ago. In July, the government passed a law that states what is prosecutable in mainland China will now be prosecuted in Hong Kong, which is causing the flight of many Chinese Christians. We saw pictures of registered churches being dismantled and turned into cultural centers such as the one pictured here from Jiangsu Province. If they resist, church leaders are sent to re-education camps. Tragically, one pastor committed suicide because of pressure to conform.

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China Partnership - Update

It seems so long ago that we were able to visit our friends in China. So, it is encouraging to hear from churches and individuals that with COVID-19 God has pruned many things, but the Spirit has only strengthened the resolve to deepen the bonds of friendship with our brothers and sisters in China. Though we do not envision a visit in the immediate future, we know that God’s timing is perfect and we look forward to the day He opens the way. Until then we follow friendship’s multi-faceted pathways.

First, we commit our resources and energy to the relationship. Thus we celebrate that with the hiring of Rev. Dr. Thomas Boone, The Outreach Foundation is investing deeply for China. In addition to him having been in China, Tom’s own family has had a favored relationship with many in China for over twenty years. His father, Dr. Thomas J Boone, Jr., was considered a foreign expert and taught economic law in several universities throughout China (Tianjin, Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Changchun, and Wuhan). His mother, Susan, taught English to some of our dear friends who have themselves become pastors, elders, and professors. Building on the good work of Jeff Ritchie, Peter Lim, Choon Lim, and Juan Sarmiento, Tom is committed to seeing The Outreach Foundation’s long-standing friendship with Christians in China continue and flourish to include new relationships.

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John McCall - April 2021 Update

Dear friends,

As I am writing this, it is already Maundy Thursday afternoon here in Taiwan. I had the privilege of designing a Holy Week worship service with the Worship Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. We began the service at the headquarters in downtown Taipei on the roof of the GA building at ten this morning. The theme was "Following Jesus' Road of Love," so we slowly descended the stairs and stopped on each floor where we experienced something of Jesus' road during this week.

The church here reflects the diversity of the larger culture, so we had women and men, older folks and younger folks, indigenous, Hakka, and folks from the larger population. At each station, we read scripture in a variety of different languages and sang in different tongues.

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Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries (PCRM) - March 2021 Update

PCRM is an interdenominational ministry reaching out to the people of Pakistan and neighboring countries with the message of the Gospel through Bible-centered audio and video programs via radio and social media. God gave the vision of the ministry to Rev. John W. Wilder in 1978. In 1982, a recording studio was built with the technical assistance of For East Broadcasting Association, UK which includes a recording room, music production hall, library, offices, and additional small studios.

In a 97% Muslim country with an estimated literacy rate of only 25%, radio, DVDs, and social media are the only ways many of Pakistan's 220 million can hear the message and learn about things they never heard before.

We are on the air every day with two thirty-minute programs on shortwave radio, local FM stations, and social media. Our programs incorporate general interest features/talks and four fifteen-minute Bible teaching programs i.e. Bible reading and discussion. Christian songs are aired on social media every week.

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Forman Christian College - March 2021 Update

Education is very important because it has made me a better person in all areas – I have gained consciousness of the world. It has made me learn to take care of not only myself but the world around me, my family, and the people who depend on me. To me, education is not something just for me, I want to use it to give it back and help people in the context of my specialization, which is psychology.

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Pakistan Bible Correspondence School - March 2021 Update

Pakistan Bible Correspondence School (PBCS) was started in 1957 with a vision to reach out to people all over Pakistan with the message of God’s love for mankind through Bible correspondence courses, and a variety of other holistic programs and projects.

We are pleased to share an update that we recently received from Adeel Samuel, PBCS Principal:

Greetings in the Lord who is our refuge, strength, and very present help in trouble!

I am thankful to God that he sustained us in 2020. Though it was challenging, his mighty hand surrounded us with his grace and mercy.

We were able to visit several different churches and schools for promotions. We distributed our Urdu and English correspondence courses to the new students. I was able to meet with pastors, key leaders, and young emerging leaders. We discussed how to reach out to people by using new and effective methodologies. In 2020, we sent 63 Torahs to non-Christians in the Urdu language; 112 Urdu Bibles, and 562 New Testaments, certificates, and other books for gifts.

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COVID-19 Appeal Pakistan

The Outreach Foundation is in regular contact with partners around the world, many of whom are sharing with us the upheaval that they are experiencing as the COVID-19 virus and the response to it burdens their ministries of medical outreach and compassionate service. We recently received the following COVID Appeal update from our partners in Pakistan and we were able to quickly release $5,000 from our COVID-19 Appeal because of your generous gifts!

Friends of Forman Launches COVID Relief Assistance

The effects of COVID-19 have been felt in many different ways all over our world. For some, it was the swift loss of a job in a shutdown. For others, it was the devastating news of the passing of a beloved relative. There was even the loss of touch with a church family that stopped meeting in person or enduring school from home with faulty internet service. Every change was a challenge, every loss was magnified by this pandemic.

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Gujranwala Theological Seminary - December 2020 Update

By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) has been educating theological students for 143 years. Millions of students have been well prepared by the seminary and are sharing their ministries all around the world.

Academic Development
After COVID-19 closed down the seminary, the academic session resumed on October 5th under the supervision of the principal, Rev. Nosheen Khan. Daily morning devotions are held for the students for their spiritual growth. Classes are arranged according to their subjects.

Organizational Development
GTS was able to provide online study during the shutdown. By the grace of the Lord, the seminary purchased the ERP School Management System. The various modules available in ERP include Students’ Management, Master Definition, Fee Collection, Students/Staff Attendance, Exam/Results, Account Management, HRM (Payroll, Attendance), and Users’ Managing Rights Module. As we have done for many decades, GTS featured an exhibit at Sialkot Convention 2020 for advertisement and goodwill.

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Mini Libraries for Church Leaders in China - November 2020 Update

The Church in China is developing Chinese-language resources for training new believers. The Outreach Foundation partners with the Church at the provincial level, particularly in Shandong and Jiangsu, to make more of these resources available to them. We also work with a Hong Kong-based ministry, Christian Communications Ltd. (CCL), to ensure that graduates of each of the seminaries in China, along with leaders studying in several lay training centers, receive discipleship training materials, concordances, and other written resources as part of a “min-library” which each graduate receives. Last year alone, The Outreach Foundation made possible the distribution of study Bibles with notes by Chinese authors and books to thousands of pastoral leaders graduating from ten seminaries and Bible schools. We received this update from Matthew Fung, CCL Associate General Secretary:

May the peace and love of our Lord be with you and your family in the days of turmoil!

Christian Communications Limited (CCL) is grateful to partner with The Outreach Foundation for Christ’s kingdom over a decade with the vision to build faithful servants through book-gifting projects - the Graduates Book Package and the Servant-leaders Study Bible.

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Forman Christian College - November 2020 Update

Forman Christian College (founded in 1864 by Presbyterian missionary Charles Forman) continues to educate men and women, Christians, Muslims and Sikh students under the leadership of a Christian board led by the school motto, “By love serve one another.”

Denationalized and returned to Christian control from the government of Pakistan in 2003, Forman quietly has become again an educational leader in the liberal arts and sciences as it prepares men and women with moral values for peaceful service to their churches, communities, and nations.

In 2019 FCC graduated 928 students – 442 were women and 115 Christians. As COVID-19 hit Pakistan in 2020, Forman was able to move over 900 courses online and continue education at a distance. They are now using a hybrid model with ½ of the student body on campus at a time.

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John McCall - September 2020 Update

Dear friends,

When churches or pastors invite me to come and speak at different events, I often am not exactly sure what the event is. Last year an aboriginal pastor from one of the Pastor Leadership Groups with whom I meet, asked me to come and speak at their church's weekend retreat. I agreed and didn’t ask many more questions. He told me that I would be speaking on Saturday afternoon and preaching at their service on Sunday morning.

The pastor told me to take the Mass Rapid Transit to the last station, and one of the church members would pick me up and take me to the retreat center. We left the station and began to wind up a mountain road. I had taken this road many years ago.

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Vulnerable Children's Fund - July 2020 Update

The Situation

According to James 1:7, “True religion is this, that we care for orphans and widows in their distress…” We cannot be faithful to the whole Gospel if we do not express love and care for the most vulnerable in our midst. The Outreach Foundation believes this fundamentally and believes that children are the most vulnerable of all in our sinful, broken world. And The Outreach Foundation believes that all children have the right to survive, to thrive, and to fulfill their God-given potential. This means understanding the global situations facing children everywhere and committing to helping to provide access to basic services, care, and education to the children in their (Outreach’s) spheres of influence.

In the church, and around the world, there is an effort to provide comprehensive care for vulnerable children that addresses the physical, emotional, educational, social, and spiritual life of every child, recognizing that they are each created in God’s image. The ultimate focus is on value and dignity for children and their families.

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Gujranwala Theological Seminary - July 2020 Update

Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) prepares young men and women for ministry in the 300 largely rural congregations of Outreach partner, the Presbyterian Church in Pakistan. We recently received the following report from Gujranwala:

Academic Progress

Gujranwala students made wonderful progress in academics in 2019. Many different academic activities were held including Seminar on Leadership, Seminar on Women’s Ministry, Outreach Workshop, Sports Day, and Study. A farewell dinner for the graduating class and other social activities were also enjoyed.

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Forman Christian College - June 2020 Update

This spring semester in Lahore was shaping up to be one of the best in Forman Christian College’s 156-year history. Over 8,300 students were enrolled in the Intermediate, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral programs. FCC Rector Dr. Tebbe recently wrote this report on the spring semester…

We had the biggest and best job fair ever this February with 108 companies coming to recruit our students. Our newly appointed Registrar was blown away by it all. He commented that there was nothing like this in all of Pakistan. International student exchange has been thriving. Internship placements have exploded and are being well managed.

Students and faculty who come to us from other universities assure us that there is no place like Forman Christian College in all of Pakistan.

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Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries - May 2020 Update

Greetings in the most powerful and almighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Even though we are facing a pandemic situation, COVID-19 is much more than a health crisis. This virus is stressing every one of the countries in the world, with the potential to create shocking social, economic and political crises that can leave deep wounds in the world. But in every situation I believe that God’s Word is amazingly relevant and is the source of hope, encouragement, and truth. We can turn to it in the midst of this pandemic and any hardship we will ever face.

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John McCall - May 2020 Update

Dear friends,

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the concept of space recently. Living in Asia for over 20 years has transformed the way I look at space. Taiwan has the population of Australia living on an island the size of Maryland and Delaware combined. Most of Taiwan’s landmass is made up of sparsely populated high mountains, so the bulk of the population lives in tightly-packed cities along the west coast. When walking on a sidewalk in Taiwan, it is hard to practice social distancing. Even during this pandemic, with 1.5 meters distancing lines on the floor of the grocery store, there just isn’t room to find adequate space while waiting in line to pay. In spite of the close quarters, the government here has done an excellent job of containing the spread of the virus, and schools and businesses have remained open.

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Resources for Lay Leaders in China - April 2020 Update

Dear friends in the United States,

Here in Hong Kong, our colleagues and families are all fine. After gradually returning to work in the office in late March, we had to resume working from home in early April. Many of the students returning from overseas after Easter break brought back the virus although they were unaware of being infected. This led to a sudden, drastic increase in the number of confirmed cases.

Although working again from home, we continue to serve churches and individual Chinese speaking Christians by conducting training and providing literature through online platforms, which has been very well received! In March we held 57 online courses, seminars, and talks.

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John McCall - March 2020 Update

Dear friends,

As we all join in prayer for the world community, especially the most vulnerable countries and people groups, I wanted to share a few glimpses from this part of the world:

+Taiwan has always been a mask-wearing culture. If people have a cold or are concerned about catching a cold, they will wear masks. So, this pandemic has just increased the number of people wearing masks in public to around 95% of the population. When you are in a public space, and everyone is wearing a mask, you only see the eyes. We tend to study the mouth and its expressions, but with everyone's mouth covered, you learn to study eyes. And eyes communicate a lot. They express fear when someone close to you coughs. They communicate a smile when the smile lines show at the edges of the eyes. They communicate a greeting. We are learning to read eyes here. And it is wonderful how many eyes respond to a smile with another smile. In this age of fear, the eyes communicate that we are one family on this earth. The eyes make a connection one-to-the-other. I have been grateful for the many times each day I see eyes that smile at me.

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