Posts in Asia
John McCall - February 2017 Update

Dear friends,

This past weekend was a four-day holiday in Taiwan to commemorate the February 28th memorial when thousands of people were slaughtered by incoming forces from China in 1947. Many of the Taiwanese leaders were taken away at night and jailed or killed. For years this was a taboo subject, but as democracy flourished here it became a part of the history of this land.

Last year we took a group of pastors to Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina (see September 2016 update). We planned to have a retreat here in Taiwan for these pastors six months after our return, to check in with each other and to see how this experience shaped them and is still shaping them. We had pastors from every corner of Taiwan join in this experience, so Sunday afternoon they drove down from the high mountains, or took a several hour train ride from south, east, north, and west.  

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Church in Korea: Repaying a Missionary Debt

Monday, October 3 two young pastors and I left for South Korea to begin the 2016 Emerging Leaders Vision Trip. Arriving in the evening one day later, we joined up with eighteen people who had been invited by the Rev. James Kwon, Moderator of the Northwest Coast Presbytery of the PC(USA). The Rev. Kwon had wanted to give people of the presbytery an opportunity to see the Church of Korea which is a fruit of the sacrificial labor of missionaries, many of whom were Presbyterian. Because the aims of our trips were so close, our two groups became one for a ten-day experience of the rich faith and mission outreach of the Church in Korea. 

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John McCall (PCUSA) - September 2016 Update

It can be depressing to hear the daily news from around the world. So much division among people groups, among political parties and their supporters, even among church folks. So, I have been convicted by the Apostle Paul’s challenge to the church at Corinth and to us, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us” (2 Corinthians 5:18-19).  

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Compassion Ministries - August 2016 Update

Sue Kinsler and two pastors, Canadian Korean Rev. Song-Keun Kook and Korean American Rev. Choon Lim, visited North Korea on a GreenTree International (GTI) trip in May. What was the purpose of the visit? Not only was it important to confer about the Disabled North Korean Athletes’ Team plans to attend the Brazil Paralympics in late August, but each pastor had ideas about new ways to help North Korea’s disabled people. 

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John McCall (PCUSA) - July 2016 Update

Dear friends,

I had been asked to be the speaker at a conference for aboriginal youth. Earlier in the week they said on the news that a tropical storm had formed in the Pacific southeast of Taiwan. They weren't predicting that it would amount to anything, so I didn't give it too much thought. But the day before I was to leave for the east coast, they were predicting that it might seriously intensify and was headed to Taiwan. After weathering through so many typhoons over the years, I know that typhoons have a mind of their own and things can change dramatically. I called the pastor in charge of the conference to ask her what she thought (I was secretly hoping they would reschedule the conference.). She replied "We're going ahead. Just pray!"

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John McCall (PCUSA) - March 2016 Update

Dear friends, 

It's a beautiful Sunday evening here with cool breezes. This is Taipei's weather at its best. This week has been extremely rich with a variety of experiences:

Monday was a national holiday commemorating the February 28, 1947 incident when an anti-government uprising was violently suppressed by the KMT-led Republic of China government. Thousands of civilians were killed, perhaps as many as 30,000. 

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Compassion Ministries - March 2016 Update

Sue Kinsler made her fourth and final 2015 visit to North Korea in November. The purpose of her visit was to monitor and evaluate Green Tree International (GTI) partnership aid, secure an agreement on plans for 2016, and attend North Korea’s celebration of the World Day for the Disabled. Sue met Ms. Ri Boon-Hee, former North Korea table tennis champion, in Shenyang, China. Ms. Boon-Hee is now in charge of special athletes from North Korea who are training in China.

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Gary and Marlene Van Brocklin (PCUSA) - February 2016 Update

Dear friends, 

In 2015, we have had the joy of returning to the classroom! We taught courses at Colombo Theological Seminary in Cultural Anthropology and Contextual Evangelism. In the process we learned how the Sri Lankan culture has welcomed holidays from the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim faiths into their calendar. For instance, a major Buddhist holiday, Vesak, celebrates the life of Gautama Buddha and huge murals are constructed to depict different events in Buddha’s life. 

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John McCall (PCUSA) - January 2016 Update

Dear friends,

It has been a tremendous week in China. I taught the first week of a course on Spiritual Theology at Jiangsu Seminary with about 90 students. This year's class is quite different from last year's class, since half of the students are regular seminary students and half are at the seminary from a rural area of the northern part of Jiangsu province. The first four days they sat on opposite sides of the large classroom. On one side were the mostly younger seminary students in brighter, more fashionable clothes, several using their cell phones for their Bibles. The rural evangelists, dressed mostly in black or brown coats with faces lined with stories from rural life, sat on the other side.

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John McCall (PCUSA) - September 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

One morning I walked out of the seminary to the road heading down the mountain to the bus stop. As with so many people who take public transport around the world, you never know exactly when a bus will come, so you have to plan extra time. It was already hot and humid, so when I got on the bus, the air conditioning felt good. I took the fifteen minute bus ride to the subway station, where I caught the subway to Taipei main train station.

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China Ministry Update - August 2015

For the past seven years The Outreach Foundation has been pleased to have the Rev. Dr. Peter Lim as our China Mission Specialist. In this role Peter has nurtured and deepened the relationships we have been developing with the Church in China since 1993. He has overseen projects which have built the capacity of the Church in China to carry out its calling to share the good news in word and deed among China’s 1.3 billion people. 

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Forman Christian College - June 2015 Update

Dear Friends and Supporters of Forman Christian College, 

This update is a continuation of the one sent in January 2015 featuring additional student profiles.

As a supporter of Forman you understand more than most the impact a quality education can have on all students, especially those “in-need” minority students. We are honored to continue our partnership. Through your generosity, 98 students were able to attend Forman this year. 

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John McCall (PCUSA) – May 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Sunday afternoon, May 17, 2015, I had the privilege of offering words of blessing to one of my former students who was being installed as the senior pastor of one of the larger Taipei churches. It was an interesting service because it included a celebration of the retiring pastor and the installation of the new pastor. The retiring pastor and the new pastor have served together for the past five months as a kind of bridge time.

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Peter Lim - April 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Seattle, WA! I have just returned from Charlotte after our board and staff meetings in Nashville. I was also back in our office in Franklin in early January for a consultation with two of our executive leaders. Both meetings provided opportunities to renew relationships and to meet new friends. It was an uplifting time.

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Peter Lim (Outreach) - January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! I am sure you have been looking forward to receiving this prayer letter since Thanksgiving. However, due to my relocation, this letter was not done on time. Please pardon me for the tardiness.

Stephanie and I moved from Spokane to Seattle in December.  We were “homeless” for about two weeks in between moving out of our home of 11 years in Spokane and moving into the new house in Seattle. It was challenging, but his grace was sufficient throughout our journey. Thanks to your faithful prayers that sustain us in our walk with him.


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John McCall (PCUSA) - January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,

I recently arrived back in Taiwan after speaking at a missions conference in San Diego. I was speaking to the Taiwan track of this conference. Altogether there were 3,400 mostly Chinese and Taiwanese immigrants to the U.S. Most of them had become Christians after immigrating to the United States. There were folks of all ages including people who had come to the U.S. to study and then had found jobs here. Others are current students from both China and Taiwan. Many of the young people were born in the U.S. of immigrant parents (ABC: American-born-Chinese or ABT: American-born-Taiwanese).

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