Posts in Africa
Stu Ross - November 2020 Update

Based in Kikuyu, Kenya, Stu Ross is responsible for partnering through the Mission Projects Committee of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) in a ministry of building schools, churches, and girls’ rescue centers as well as managing water projects. Stu helps link U.S. congregations with East African partners to strengthen the church for God’s mission. We recently received the following update from Stu:

Everything in Kenya has been shut down since March 23. Kenya has a dusk to dawn curfew which is strictly enforced. There is no movement allowed between counties. This has affected our church construction work in Kenya since that would involve moving from one county to another. Consequently, construction has stopped on ten churches that were in the process of being built.

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Namumu Orphanage Center - November Update

After COVID-19 forced schools in Siavonga, Zambia to close, they have reopened recently and some are offering online learning. In response to a request from the Namumu Orphan Center (NOC), The Outreach Foundation was able to provide $2,000 so that the secondary school children could access classes virtually.

With that $2,000, the director was able to purchase five computers, one smartphone, a modem, and a large bundle of internet usage time. With your support for Namumu, through The Outreach Foundation, you have enabled five high school girls to stay in school and learn virtually. With that $2,000 you have made an impact in the lives of these children and their community and country, beyond your imagining. THANK YOU for your generosity in support of the children at Namumu.

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PCEA Church Construction - November Update

Dedication of PCEA Itangi Church

On November 1, we dedicated Itangi Church. This was the fourth baby of the mother Gateway Church in Embu, which was built in 2007. Itangi Church was started in 2014 in a rented 8 x 8-foot metal structure. They celebrated their first Holy Communion on April 15, 2014. Then in 2017 they struggled to buy a one-acre plot of land and constructed their old church. After a while, their 65 members couldn’t fit into that church so they visited me to see if we could partner in building a new modern church.

Their new church will seat about 500 members. It is a very different feeling going from a mud floor to a nice, clean tiled floor. At the dedication, the church was filled with worshipers, about 400 spaced somewhat for COVID. There were also four tents outside with another 300 people. There were many visitors and many more from other parish churches.

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Lauren Scharstein- October 2020 Update

The Rev. Lauren Scharstein is Deputy Director for Mission with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. The PCEA Mission Department has responsibility for PCEA mission schools and rescue centers, sustainable water projects, evangelism, church-planting, and global partnerships. Lauren recently shared this update on her work with Mother Esther School:

Laughter, Cookies, and Hair-braiding
It has been seven months since many of our students were sent home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Communities across East Africa are reporting higher rates of child marriage and teenage pregnancy. Girls who were sent home from school are less likely to return than boys the same age.

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PCEA Church Construction - October 2020 Update

The building and dedication of Archer’s Post Church was a challenge. Geographically, it is situated about a 7-hour drive to the NE from our home. The tribe there are the Samburu and are cousins to the Maasai tribe. The area is very poor and arid almost desert. Building this church was difficult! Everything except sand and stones had to be carried from our home office. It is not far from Somalia and Ethiopia in the NE quadrant of Kenya and Muslims and Mosques dominate this region. So, I felt it was important that PCEA have a strong presence there. This is the fifth church that we have built in this area and this happens to be our 350th church built in East Africa.

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Rwanda Church Construction- October 2020 Update

In partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR), The Outreach Foundation has helped build several new sanctuaries in Rwanda and complete a few more with roofs, windows, and doors. Here are excerpts from a note that Outreach Africa Mission Specialist Frank Dimmock received from Kicukiro church pastor the Rev. Julius Ngendahayo:

I'm happy to hear from you and for your commitment to the partnership between Outreach and EPR. This will be helpful in the development and growth of the church. May God be with you. I will be with you in prayer.

As you mentioned, the most urgent projects are the construction of churches. Kicukiro, Ndera, and Kiruhura are the three churches that need your prayers and support. The rainy season is coming and church members are not able to complete these projects by themselves but they are doing their best to raise funds. Your advocacy for these projects is highly appreciated. Here are updates on the ongoing construction projects:

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Vulnerable Children's Fund-October Update

Established in 1998 as a shelter for street children, Home of Hope in Beirut is under the governance of the Lebanese Evangelical Society. They now serve children between the ages of 7 and 18 who have been exposed to abuse by their primary caregivers or by members of their community and are at risk. The children are brought to Home of Hope upon a judicial order and with a protection file.

Raghida Al Assal has been the Executive Director for three years and shares this: Our purpose at Home of Hope is to help the children heal through Jesus Christ. Even though 99% of our children come from non-Christian backgrounds, they attend a weekly chapel at the home.

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PCEA Church Construction in Kenya - October Update

Dear friends,

Last week we dedicated PCEA Mikaro Church which is situated near the Aberdare Mountains in Central Kenya. Mikaro Church was started in 1970 by the late Rev. Thaba. They fellowshipped in the local primary school. In 1994, the church bought a one-acre plot of land and soon after built a temporary shelter. Over the years, that structure was expanded to the wooden structure shown here. The church was dark and couldn’t accommodate the then membership of 22. It also had a mud floor.

In 2015, members of Mikaro started donating money towards the construction of their new church. The leadership is great. They have a very mission-minded minster named Rev. David Ntore.

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Namumu Orphanage Center - Update

Christopher Kasanda and Florence Chisangano grew up in vulnerable households near Siavonga, Zambia. They were each referred to Namumu Orphan Center (NOC) at a young age. There, they received care and were able to attend school. They did well in school and after years of study AND medical training, they have both returned to the Namumu clinic as clinical officers (similar to nurse practitioners). They are happy to return and Namumu is excited to have them back. They are role models for the 17 children at NOC. The Outreach Foundation is helping to support the children, including paying the school fees for the 13 children in secondary schools.

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Rwanda Church Construction - September 2020 Update

In partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR), The Outreach Foundation has helped build several new sanctuaries in Rwanda and complete a few more with roofs, windows, and doors. We recently received the following report from Rev. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya, President of the EPR :

I hope you are keeping well. We continue to keep you and all sisters and brothers in the U.S.A. in our daily prayers. The following information is about the church which is under construction and where church members are very committed but need our support and our prayers.

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Vote of Thanks for the Borehole Project

I write this letter on behalf of the CCAP Blantyre Synod, to express our vote of thanks and gratitude for the five boreholes that have been done in different Presbyteries…

The Outreach Foundation recently received a gracious letter from Rev. Dr. Billy Gana, General Secretary of the Central Church of Africa Presbyterian Blantyre Synod in Mozambique, Africa. Please click HERE to view the letter in its entirety.

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Nile Theological College - September 2020 Update

Nile Theological College (NTC) was founded by former Presbyterian missionary Bill Anderson in 1991. It is the highest-level theological training institution offering a bachelor’s degree for the churches in South Sudan. Students at NTC include Presbyterians from two Sudanese denominations, Episcopalians, and members of other Protestant traditions. About 75% of the students are Presbyterian.

Nile Theological College provides theological and practical training to equip men and women for effective ministry in fulfilling the Great Commission in the country. NTC alumni are doing great things for the Lord in serving their denominations, other organizations, and even the government. NTC has also been helping secondary schools by providing teachers who teach Christian Education.

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Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province - July 2020 Update

Dear friends of Tete Province,

I want to share a brief update on our work in Tete Province. Coronavirus cases seem to be rising in Tete Province after a slow start. Sebber reports that the borders are closed except for large trucks bringing in food and supplies. Our work is on hold until the situation improves and the borders open.

Until the coronavirus appeared in Tete Province in late March or early April, we had been very busy. We finished construction that started in 2019 on a church at Amphande and teacher housing at Khanga. Sebber and Carlos led five leadership training seminars and arranged for COVID awareness drama performances. We were given a list of final "punch out " items by the government in January for the new clinic in the village of Madzimaera. We completed the list and were waiting for the grand opening ceremony to be scheduled. Unfortunately, just prior to the border closing, we were given another shortlist of new items deemed necessary by the government. We have not been able to address these minor items since the lockdown was instituted. As you can imagine, Sebber, Carlos, and the villagers are very frustrated at being so close to an opening but unable to address these final items. Please pray that we will be able to get back to work soon and open this much-needed clinic.

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Vulnerable Children's Fund - July 2020 Update

The Situation

According to James 1:7, “True religion is this, that we care for orphans and widows in their distress…” We cannot be faithful to the whole Gospel if we do not express love and care for the most vulnerable in our midst. The Outreach Foundation believes this fundamentally and believes that children are the most vulnerable of all in our sinful, broken world. And The Outreach Foundation believes that all children have the right to survive, to thrive, and to fulfill their God-given potential. This means understanding the global situations facing children everywhere and committing to helping to provide access to basic services, care, and education to the children in their (Outreach’s) spheres of influence.

In the church, and around the world, there is an effort to provide comprehensive care for vulnerable children that addresses the physical, emotional, educational, social, and spiritual life of every child, recognizing that they are each created in God’s image. The ultimate focus is on value and dignity for children and their families.

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Daniel and Elizabeth Turk - Update

In late March, we left Madagascar due to the coronavirus pandemic and are currently in Orlando. PC(USA) called all mission co-workers back to the U.S. until the end of 2020. We are well and grateful to be near our children and parents, but it is hard to leave our friends and colleagues for so long in this time of crisis. We are continuing our work and communicate daily with our colleagues in the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) via skype, phone, or email.

Fruits, Vegetables, and Environmental Education Program (FVEE)

The first months of the year are always busy because of the need to plant trees in the early part of the rainy season. From December 2019 through February 2020, thousands of fast-growing trees from the FVEE nursery were planted as part of FJKM’s reforestation efforts. Fruit trees and native trees were planted at three branches of the FJKM University, two FJKM seminaries, and the fruit center at Mahatsinjo. Many thanks to all who helped make this possible by donating to the Outreach Alternative Christmas project, “Trees for Madagascar.”

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Michael and Rachel Weller - June 2020 Update

Dear friends,

I trust that you and your loved ones are healthy and that the Outreach staff has adjusted to the challenges and limitations of promoting global mission during this season of life with COVID-19. Rachel and I are living in Norfolk, VA with our daughter.

We continue as mission co-workers for the Presbyterian Mission Agency. We participate in weekly meetings with our fellow mission co-workers. One of the conversation points that came up was how will PCUSA decide when to redeploy us. Africa is at the beginning point of this pandemic and World Mission will need to interpret the situation and develop the criteria for sending mission staff back.

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Akrofi-Christaller Institute - June 2020 Update

Warm greetings from Akrofi-Christaller Institute (ACI) in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We hope that in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, all of you are doing well and keeping safe. We pray that our good and ever-faithful God will preserve and sustain you in these difficult times. It was heartwarming to see Jeff Ritchie leading an Outreach Foundation group to visit ACI last February, pictured above. This letter is to update you on how we are coping with the challenges imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.

We have been closed since March 16 when the government of Ghana directed all educational institutions to close. Our international students, however, remain on campus. We have managed, ahead of schedule, to transition to online teaching. We have continued to supervise research students who are writing their project essays and dissertations during this period. We have had to postpone our annual doctoral seminar even though we are in the process of working out how to conduct graduate seminars online. We have conducted one faculty-led online seminar. Our face to face continuing education programs have had to be suspended and that, together with our inability to generate support from our partner congregations (because they cannot meet), has had an impact on our finances. We are currently working on how we can move our continuing education programs online.

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Tumaini Children's Ministry - June 2020 Update

A mission effort of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Riamukurwe parish, the Tumaini Children’s Ministry comprises the Tumaini and Huruma homes for vulnerable children. Before the pandemic, more than 100 children lived and attended school at Tumaini. Huruma, a nearby facility that includes a number of disabled children, housed 50 children. The Tumaini ministry also includes a vocational training program, which serves post-secondary students and people from the community.

On March 15th, the Kenyan government announced the closure of all schools and learning institutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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