Posts in Africa
Namumu Orphanage Center - October 2016 Update

Dear friends of Namumu children,

Greetings from The Outreach Foundation and from the Namumu children in Siavonga, Zambia. Most children coming to Namumu have had difficult lives as a result of poverty, death of parents due to HIV/AIDS, lack of love, or emotional stress. Namumu provides elementary and high school education to all residents. Over 300 children, including those in residence, have access to elementary education at a community school started with the center’s involvement and now turned over to the community to benefit from available government resources. We recently received several stories from Namumu children and would love to share one from Antia Samende, age 14, so that you can rejoice with us. 

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Kay Day PC(USA) and Scholarships for Presbyterians at PIASS- October 2016 Update

What is involved in reconciliation, pardon and reconstruction? How does that relate to our call as Christians and our struggles within the world? What role can or does the church play in all of this? These were some of the topics of “Winter School” in February 2016 at the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS). It was a “winter break” for twenty students and four faculty from The University of Geneva (Switzerland) who came to participate, but a welcoming summer for hosting the event at PIASS for our twenty students and theology faculty and four students and two faculty from ULPGL of Goma and Bukavu (DR Congo).

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Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery - September 2016 Update

Precious (not his real name) has the warmest smile and the biggest bright eyes. He has been in the care of Christian Alliance for Children in Zambia, our partner in caring for vulnerable children, since he was 13 days old. CACZ has helped him grow and thrive to the best of his ability. The staff, made up of caregivers, teachers, nurses and housemothers, has been there for him cheering him on from the minute he took his first step, caring for him when he got sick and showering him with love and endless care. Precious’s warm spirit has captivated the hearts of not only his caregivers, but also those working in the administration department and visitors. 

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Bob and Kristi Rice (PCUSA) - August 2016 Update

Warm greetings from Bloomington, Illinois! It has been a blessing to be back in the States and to enjoy time with family and friends, and to even witness and experience the changing of the seasons (Bob was taught how to use a snow blower!). This year we are in the United States for our Interpretation Assignment and several months of personal leave. During this time we hope to have a short respite but also make meaningful connections with supporting churches and individuals, helping to interpret the work of the church in Congo so that American Christians feel connected to our sisters and brothers in that part of the world.

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Home of Hope - July 2016 Update

Dear friends,

A special prayer of thanksgiving from Joan, Craig and the staff at Home of Hope, to which Dave and Ria say Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you above all for loving us so much that you sent your only begotten son, Jesus, to walk with us sinners, to be with us in the flesh, showing us your amazing love, grace and mercy. Thank you, Jesus for dying for us sinners on the cross as our substitute so we can have a new life, an eternal life, set free from the bondage of our sin, to be forgiven and to be given the free gift of salvation. We thank you Lord for all those who have given so much love and care for the poor of Zimbabwe and who have given us at Home of Hope so much support. We pray that you will bless them, guide them, protect them, heal them, shine your face upon them, their families and friends and fill them with your peace. Thank you for your amazing grace, we pray this in the precious name of Jesus.  Amen.

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Inyambo Mission Center - July 2016 Update

Greetings from Mwandi, Western Province of Zambia, in Jesus’ name. The Lord has continued to multiply his grace and peace in our lives and ministry. Please continue to pray as we approach the upcoming Zambia general elections on August 11th. The political environment is very unstable. There have been a number of violent acts in some cities of our beloved country Zambia. This instability in the nation led the pastors and leaders of Senanga, whom we were scheduled to train in June, to request that we postpone the Intensive Training session to a another date after the elections. The dates will be announced later.

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Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan - June 2016 Update

The Outreach Foundation has been involved in the ministry of Reconcile in South Sudan for about a decade. Their ministries of peace-building and trauma healing are essential components of our overall project, “Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan.” Listen to these compelling stories from Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers Nancy and Shelvis Smith-Mather. Then pray for peace in South Sudan and give as the Lord moves you.

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Dustin and Sherri Ellington (PCUSA) - May 2016 Update

Dear friends, 

Once again it is graduation time and, as is now the norm at Justo Mwale University, our sparkling new graduates have already been serving as pastors since November or December. This year I (Sherri) took it upon myself to ask some of them what the biggest surprise has been in their first few months of pastoral work. In their answers I found insight to the challenges they face; I also found tidbits of challenge and inspiration for me as an American Christian. Read on, and let our recent graduates challenge you, as well...

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The Presbyterian Ministry for Reconciliation and Healing in Rwanda

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.    Psalm 147:3

Officials in Rwanda recently shared “official” numbers:  1,074,017 Tutsi and moderate Hutu were brutally killed in the one hundred days of genocide in 1994, leaving behind hundreds of thousands of orphans, widows, widowers, and people with disabilities. It’s nearly unthinkable about how such an atrocity could happen in modern times. And, it’s hard to imagine how Rwandans could ever heal from the ordeal.

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Michael and Rachel Weller (PCUSA) - March 2016 Update

Fasting is a common practice in Ethiopian Christian communities. Many churches designate one day a week to gather at the church or someone’s house to focus on prayer. They go without eating or drinking all day. The Jabjabe congregation in Gambella practices this discipline every Friday. I was invited to participate with the members of the Jabjabe congregation, a new church with an active membership. At 7:30 a.m. my companion came to my door to escort me to the church. 

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Girls' Rescue Centers/Girls' Education-March 2016 Update

Dear friends,

Some tribes in Kenya have a cultural practice that forces young girls into early marriage and circumcision. Several years ago, the Lord opened our hearts to help these girls through rescue centers. There are now a number of Girls’ Rescue Centers in various locations where we work.

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Home of Hope - February 2016 Update

Dear friends,

When we look at the world around us and see earthquakes, floods, fires, tornadoes, and wars which cause families to lose their homes and loved ones, our hearts are filled with gratitude that although we have a seriously collapsed economy and a drought, we have families, friends and food. We see God’s hand of provision in so many areas of need through compassionate groups of his people including you, supporters of Home of Hope. 

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Clean Drinking Water in Kenya - January 2016

Dear friends,

We began our work in the Loodokilano Mission area by building seven churches. We are now building a girls’ boarding primary school and girls’ rescue center. Rev. Charles Maina, the vibrant minister we partner with in Loodokilano, takes a holistic approach to his ministry by looking at the overall needs of the communities in the area. One of the greatest needs is water.

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Presbyterian Ministry for Reconciliation - December 2015 Update

Dear family and friends, 

A team from The Outreach Foundation visited the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda last October. Many of you followed our journey from the trip blog on Outreach’s website. One of the ministries that we visited was the Presbyterian Ministry for Reconciliation and Healing led by Rev. Jerome Bizimana, who recently visited our office in Franklin, Tennessee as well as many Presbyterian congregations in the U.S. as part of the International Peacemakers program. We learned so much from our brothers and sisters in Rwanda about forgiveness. 

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Justo Mwale University - December 2015 Update

Dear friends and partners,

Greetings from Lusaka, Zambia. It is always a joy to hear from former students who are thriving in pastoral ministry. I invite you to read this recent email interaction I had with one such pastor now serving in Malawi. The subject line reads, “Extension of my ministry area.”

Jankens: I just wanted to inform you that my ministry area has been extended to eight congregations from five, with 1,600 members as the minimum number of congregants. 

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