Namumu Orphanage Center

Dear partners in caring for children at Namumu,

Life at Namumu in Saviour's own words:
"My name is Saviour Hakazembwe, and I am the mother of three children, two boys (Luyando and Fortune) and one girl (Chipo). I am a female caregiver at Namumu Orphanage Center."

Saviour’s life as the wife of a drunkard was hard. It was even harder when she was left to care for herself and her three children with no help. They were often hungry, and she prayed to God to help them.

“Then in August 2004, the Lord answered me by calling me to work at Namumu as a caregiver. With the little money I earned, I could buy food to feed my family. I even bought a bed and started sleeping comfortably instead of sleeping on the floor. I tell you God is great because he made me who I am today. I never thought that by giving care to others, God would take care of me in every way.”

Since 2004, Saviour has cared for the girls at Namumu, attending to their physical, mental and spiritual needs.

“To be honest, I think this is the job that God wanted me to do. No one can discourage me because I experience the hope offered by Namumu both to the children/orphans and to me, personally. As a person without parents, Namumu has become everything to me. I want to thank The Outreach Foundation for supporting this orphanage. You have no idea how many lives you’ve touched and that includes mine. You have no idea how much joy these children have and are to many of us who know their stories. When we see visitors from The Outreach Foundation, it is like seeing our parents even though they are dead. I appreciate the work of Outreach for the impact it is making on the lives of these children and in our community. I pray that services like these may be extended to other vulnerable communities throughout the world.”

What a blessing Saviour has been to these children!

Note - as a result of the recent evaluation Bill Warlick and Ebralie Mwizerwa performed at Namumu, we will be sending a report which will also address sustainability and an exit strategy for the children for a lasting impact.