Limestone Men's Ministry

Band of Brothers- No Man Left Behind

The Presbyterian Men of the Synod of The Mid Atlantic returned from their first ever International Mission on June 13, 2010. The mission involved traveling to Kenya, Africa to help make a difference in the lives of some of God’s people in need. The mission was successfully executed with the help of The Outreach Foundation which falls under the Mission umbrella of the PC(USA).

Our primary objective was to complete the construction of a 300 person mabati (corrugated metal) chapel in the very poor and remote area of Ndalani, Africa. We found the existing chapel in a dilapidated state. The partially completed new chapel was built nearby. The people of the Ndalani were excited that we were there to help complete the chapel and were more than willing to help wherever they could. A sterling example was the young woman, dressed in her Sunday finest, who came with her beautifully dressed young daughter to help paint. I cringed at the thought of her soiling her clothing with the oil-based paint we were using, but she persevered.
The chapel had a standing room only crowd for the Sunday morning dedication which was led by two dozen or more clergy. The service ran about four hours which is typical for African services. An auction was held during the service to help raise funds for the chapel. Produce is donated for the auction from those who are too poor to donate money.
We also planted trees and completed the construction of a Staff House at the Ilngarooj Boys School in the Ngong Hills which is in Maasai Land. The school is so remote that a Staff House is required by law to house some administrative personnel on school property. We donated two complete sets of Encyclopedia Britannica. The gift excited the boys and emotionally choked up the principal.
We planted trees at the PCEA Kimuka Church in Maasai Land, as well. All holes for the trees were pre-dug by the people. The area is semi-arid and the holes were dug much deeper than we are accustomed to, but as specified by a local horticulturist to help collect and retain water.
In every instance that we interacted with the Africans we were overwhelmed with their gratitude and expressions of appreciation. For those who are fortunate enough to participate in a field mission trip, I am sure you would agree that there is no substitute for physically being there. 

“The king will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 

In Jesus Christ,
Ron Crick – Synod of Mid Atlantic Men’s Council Past President 

The Outreach Foundation