Justo Mwale Theological University College

Greetings from Justo Mwale in Zambia in the name of our triune God!
The 2011 academic year ended with a colorful graduation ceremony on our campus. Fifty-eight students graduated in various programs. We give thanks to the Lord for all our partners and supporters.
We are all full of great expectations for the 2012 academic year. Our theme for the year is Growth towards Maturity in Christ. This theme will guide our prayer meetings, spiritual companion groups, and Bible studies throughout this year.

Student Enrollment for 2012
Twenty students are enrolled in the Stewardship and Sustainability program. The goal of this program, which is part of the Booth Center supported by The Outreach Foundation, is to equip evangelists and ministers with skills they can use to support themselves and members of the community in their ministry, as most of them serve in the rural part of Zambia.
We have enrolled a total of 20 new students in the Bachelor of Theology program including four women. This brought our total enrollment to 157. There are currently ten women studying theology at JMTUC. This represents a significant increase in the last four years, from one woman in 2009 to ten in 2012.
Visitors from The Outreach Foundation
The Rev. Dr. Bill Warlick, Outreach’s Southern Africa Coordinator, and Mrs. Ebralie Mwizerwa, Outreach’s Projects Coordinator, visited JMTUC in April. The duo came to encourage our ministry and evaluate projects they support. The Outreach Foundation supports student scholarships, our chapel project, and it has also started raising support for the campus water rehabilitation project.
Ongoing Building Projects
We thank God for the funds received for the chapel project. We are hoping for continued support so that we can furnish the building once it is completed.
Featuring JMUC Students in 2012
In this feature, we give an update on students supported by PC(USA) and The Outreach Foundation:
The Rev. Fernando Sangulane  from IPM Mozambique
The Rev. Sangulane is from the Presbyterian Church in Mozambique (IPM). He graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2011 and is now serving in Mozambique. He was supported by First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville Alabama through The Outreach Foundation
The Rev. Susan Nyirenda from CCAP Zambia
The Rev. Nyirenda, from the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP),  Zambia Synod, graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2011. She is
now serving a congregation in Lusaka. She was sponsored by the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, Virginia through the PC(USA).
Dr. E Zulu  
Rector for Justo Mwale Theological University College