Home of Hope

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

Amazing to think we have already progressed into February of the New Year.

Joan, Craig and the Home were greatly blessed by a visit in January from David, Pam, Ben, and Keri of Hillsboro Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN. What a lovely way to start the year. Together with Hillsboro church, they were very generous to the Home financially, especially with school expenses. They helped 27 primary school children by paying their basic school fees. These are mainly children of the trainee mothers who learn and then work at dressmaking to help support their families.

We currently have 22 mothers learning to design and make their own clothes in order to become self-sufficient. We have also helped some other mothers, one of whom is disabled and in a wheelchair but whose children are doing very well at school. Lucy, the Home trainer, and Ongai, the cook and attendant, have their children’s basic school fees paid for by donations to the Home.

Keri brought an amazing amount of medicines to be used for the treatment of colds, flu, and diarrhea, including painkillers, plasters, and ointments. Imagine the range and frequency of disease and illnesses picked up when living and sleeping on the streets. And fights are common in such places. Keri also brought a lovely supply of toys, sweets, crayons, and coloring books for the children. These are always a great treat and so exciting and useful to the children.

Craig is very skilled at drawing, so he was encouraged to make sketches of the street children who are assisted by these donations to sell as a way to increase the home revenues. We are waiting for an estimate of the cost for using Craig’s art skills to produce a desk calendar, again in an effort to raise funds. Please pray with us.

Six boys who do not have birth certificates are currently being helped by the Home to attend City Presbyterian School Club. Without birth certificates, these children are not able to access formal schooling. These street children come to the Home to shower, dress in suitable clothing (kept clean for them by Joan), eat the meals provided for them three times a day, and get help with homework before returning to the streets for the night. There are always morning devotions before they set off for school.

These children are being prepared for a life off the streets, for who knows when God will work for their good and transform their young lives. With an 80% unemployment rate in Zimbabwe, such opportunities are scarce; yet, through the Home and made possible by your kindness, their lives are so much better than many in the city.

During the past month, between 50 and 60 street people have been coming in for food and medicine. Though their ages vary from eight to over 60, the people in the main age group are in their 20s. The older men are brought into the yard of the Home for their meal; otherwise, they would be bullied by the younger group
Sometimes we wonder what has become of those who stop coming to the Home. Wiseman, an ex-street kid we helped four years ago, called to tell us he is now trained in building skills, working, and living off the streets. He is thankful for all the help the Home provided to him. What a joyful moment and a big praise to God from all of us, particularly for Joan and Craig!  

And we give thanks to God for you, who make this transformation possible.

God bless you all,

Joan, Craig, Ria, and Dave