Dustin and Sherri Ellington

Dear Friends,

This picture shows our new first-year students. All are preparing to be pastors in Zimbabwe, Malawi, or Zambia. What a great group! They’re holding Hebrew textbooks donated by a generous partner. Almost all the students rely on scholarships for full tuition and housing. We give thanks for the privilege of teaching our students and having a pastoral relationship with them - what a joy this is! Please pray for the following:

* health issues and exhaustion among members of faculty and administration - need for perspective, refreshment, and healing
* resolution of the many computer and internet connection problems on campus, including the need for someone who understands the issues and has time to resolve them
* sound teaching on campus and in the church - the prosperity gospel is strong in Africa, and Christianity (including ministry) is often seen as a means toward material success
* Dustin's current courses on Hebrews through Revelation in the New Testament, Preaching, and Hebrew Language, plus the "spiritual companionship group" he leads for the 2nd-year students
* situation of students' overcrowded housing, which puts a strain on relationships and limits the number of students we can accept
* our family to continue to get settled and organized in our new (yet older and less functioning) home, including patience and strength to deal with its challenges (like many openings through which insects come and go as they please)
* success of our seminary's theme for the year, Growing Toward Maturity in Christ - pray that our theme builds people up in their integrity and leads to healthier relationships among everyone

We feel grateful that we can share these requests and know friends will pray for us. Prayer is a very real form of ministry to us and to our students and colleagues ("you also join in helping us by your prayers" - Corinthians 1:11a). Thank you for your partnership and friendship.

Yours in Christ,

Dustin and Sherri

The Outreach Foundation