Don and Martha Wehmeyer

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the name of our Lord. Martha and I would like to bring you up to date as best we are able on our ministry. As you probably know by now, the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico has cut formal ties with the PC(USA). By God’s providence, we were scheduled to return to visit supporting churches before the decision to cut ties was finalized. We had already handed over our responsibilities to friends and colleagues in Merida and come to live in a very nice apartment lent to us by Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. So until we learn more about what the Lord has for our future, this will be our home address: 607 Bellevue Pl. Apt. B, Austin, TX 78705.

There are different options as we move forward with the decision. It may be that the PC(USA) will continue to work in Mexico but with a different partner or partners. That decision is probably still some time away, and we have no way of knowing who the World Mission offices might invite to fill the position. A more likely scenario is that WM will offer at least a few of the 11 people displaced by the Mexican decision the opportunity to go to another country to serve. However, since the WM is in the midst of a reevaluation of how they will do missions in the future, this decision may also take time. 

Whatever happens to us, we do wish to ask your continuing support through The Outreach Foundation for the different ministries in Mexico. Martha and I do not want to lose sight of the missionary community in Chiapas. For now, the property purchased for the retreat center is being looked after by a local pastor, and some improvements can continue to be made. Just before leaving, 3,000 coffee seedlings were planted. It takes three years for seedlings to begin to produce coffee beans so we were happy to get that done and pray that more coffee and avocado trees can be planted as well.

In this time of waiting to see what the Lord has in store for us, Martha and I are praying that our supporting churches will continue their prayers and partnership. We are scheduling as many visits as we are able. We are happy to share about the ministry in Mexico, missions in general, Central America in particular, or lead workshops on spiritual formation. Please write us at Also I have written and edited two small booklets about the missional church which I would love to send you. If you would like them, just send me a mailing address.

Truly we serve a wonderful Lord who renews us in the perfect image of Christ who gathers Europeans, Americans, Africans, and Asians into one holy family, a redeemed people in all the earth. Blessed is the name of the Lord.


Rev. Dr. Donald and Martha Wehmeyer 

The Outreach Foundation