Church Construction in Kenya

Dear Friends,
On February 19, 2012, The Outreach Foundation, along with the PCEA Head Office, dedicated the 150th church built since beginning work here ten years ago. The church that was dedicated was PCEA Olosho-olbor Church. It is located about half an hour from Ngong town on the far side of the Ngong Hills. This is in the area where we have already built two large high schools, a girls’ rescue center at the primary school, and three churches. We have also built two water boreholes to serve the communities and these facilities. We are hoping in the future to build a vocational school which will be fed by both high schools.

Olosho-olbor Church is a medium-size stone church which will seat about 500 people. The Moderator of the General Assembly, Rev. David Gathangu, presided over the dedication ceremony. He was assisted by the Deputy Secretary General, Rev. Frances Njoroge. The event was very colorful and very moving.

It took us two years of planning and fundraising to build this church. The church had to find a donor to assist, and the local congregation had to find about 60% of the total funding. There were many meetings held discussing the size of the church and whether it would be constructed from stone or brick. Finally, an agreement was reached at the end of November 2011, and the church was built in about sixty days. The church elders were very supportive both in the preliminaries and in the final construction.

Stu and Linda Ross                                                                                                            
East Africa Mission Staff