Choon and Yen Hee Lim

Dear Friends in Mission,

Two years ago we started a new program called “God’s Bank” in our mission center. One Sunday before our college worship service, I heard a student ask his friend, “Have you had lunch?” The other student answered, “No, I don’t have any money.” I also heard them say that they didn’t have enough money to put gas in their motorcycles (some students have to drive more than 30 minutes to get to our center).

While I was praying about this, I came up with the idea to make “God’s Bank.” The students can borrow money from God to use for buying food, gas, etc. Whenever we have events in our center, I put God’s Bank in the multi-purpose room, and any student who needs a small amount of money can borrow it without telling anybody except God. I put about $20 in the bank each time we have a program or Sunday worship service. The borrower can return it any time during the school year or after they graduate. They can also give it back to God through their church offering - it doesn’t have to be given back to our church because God owns all churches. God may bless our church more as we share his love with others.

God’s Bank is still going strong. In the beginning I hesitated to do it because I thought I wouldn’t have enough money and also worried that I might not be able to continue to do it for a long time. But I always have enough money to put in  because it is God’s Bank, and I am only God’s instrument for service. My mother heard the story and sent some money for it. Some visitors saw the box, heard the story, and put in some money. I found out that some students put their extra money in the bank to share with their friends. These donations reflect the spirit of Christmas.

I recently attended Praise Night at the Bunun tribe village, and Yen Hee went to the National College Gospel Song Contest at the Taiwan Technical University in Taipei. We hold Praise Night once each semester. Our HACM (Hualien Aboriginal Campus Ministry) visits each tribe’s church, Amis, Taroko, and Bunun, on a rotating basis. This time, 23 students including me went to one of the poor villages in Bunun (Zuo-Le Presbyterian Church). It took two hours to get there by car, but with just two cars we could take only 13 students. The other 10 students had to go there by train.

The church is located in the village and has a small stage. We couldn’t perform our dance and drama on the stage, so we performed all the programs on the floor. Our students quickly adapted to the situation, and then they really praised God with all their hearts. After the event, I shared with my students that we had held Praise Night 22 times, and this was the poorest village among all that we visited. But Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  Matthew 25:40

Yen Hee took 30 Buddhist Technical College students to Taipei by train. Since the Gospel Song Contest was held at the same time as our Praise Night, I couldn’t go with them. They sang “God Loves Taiwan Aborigines” and earned first place out of 23 contestants. Yen Hee and I were so proud of them because they put great effort into helping people praise God.

Both programs gave us joy and brought meaning and enjoyment to others. Those are our Christmas gifts from God. We want to share the joy with you because without your support and prayers, we couldn’t have done all the programs and activities in 2011. Like the theme of 2011, “Arise, Shine!” we have humbly served our Lord Jesus Christ and glorified his name this year. Please continue to pray and support us so that we may serve the people in Taiwan in 2012 as well.

Next year we will have furlough from July to September. It is our prayer that we can meet you in person and share with you what the Lord has done through us in these past three years. We hope to see you then. Email us at if you would like to schedule us to speak to your congregation.

Joy and Peace be with you,

Together in mission,

Yen Hee and Choon Lim