Caring for Vulnerable Children

Dear Friends,   

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray and hope you are fine. I am grateful for how far the Lord has brought us this year. I believe that, as the scripture says in Philippians 1:6, … the God who began the good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed your partnership as co-workers with God and us is touching the lives of many in the Great Lakes region and beyond through Kamwenge Secondary and Vocational Institute. One example of this is the story of two young girls in their twenties, Lydia Twizeimana and Niyonzima Restetidia, who studied tailoring and knitting at KSVI and graduated last year. The duo has each opened up small businesses to use their skills to serve their community in the townships of Kamwenge district. These and many others are testimony to the work of transformation that is taking place in the area and which has opened us up to a greater need in the community. We feel encouraged, and we want you to rejoice with us.

Teacher’s Accommodations                                                                                                 
Other developments at KSVI include the construction of teacher’s accommodations. We have started a four-unit structure to house teachers at the school. The structure, which has already been thatched, awaits completion. Once completed, it will allow housing for more teachers, and they will be available full-time at the school to help the students both academically and as spiritual mentors. Our hope is to have it ready for use as we begin our first term late in January 2012.

Boys’ Dormitory
The four-room structure is now habitable and is being used by students for the third term. It accommodates around 60 students and has helped to cut down on absenteeism and breaking the learning cycle at school. The other blessing is that students in the vocational section were involved in building it and even made the needed furniture including doors and beds. Seeing these fruits of their labors motivates them even more and shows us that there is indeed hope.

We are grateful to God for those who contributed toward the construction of cisterns at the school to help reduce the complication of accessing clean water. The cisterns are now filled with rain water and are helpful for the school both for hygiene purposes and agriculture. In addition to this, we were blessed with a grant from Rotary International to build a well at the school. This will completely take care of the water issues for the school community. The actual facility has yet to be put into place, but it will be a milestone in making this place better for the students and a model for the community to learn from.
Good Shepherd Kindergarten
Two years ago, we answered the community’s request and started a kindergarten. The work that is being done through this kindergarten of shaping the minds of the young ones is truly great. The kindergarten exposes the children to modern learning methods and shapes positive and progressive mindsets in them at an early age. The results of these changes are reflected in the children’s behavior both at home and in the community. In the meetings we have with the parents, their children showcase their gifts, and we guide the parents on how to bless and encourage their children to study and aim higher. Although it’s a difficult process, it is foundational for the work of community transformation.

At this point in the year, I believe that the God who has kept us to date will indeed carry us beyond. Doubtless, it is he, Christ, who is at work within, and since he never grows weary, neither should we.

Many blessings to you and your families.

Grateful for your partnership,

Rev. John Mulindabigui 

The Outreach Foundation