Bibles for New Christians

Dear Friends,
Both new and mature Christians in countries around the world need Bibles in their own language. Many people cannot afford to buy one for themselves. The Outreach Foundation has established a global Bibles for New Christians fund in order to provide Bibles, free or at a reduced price, where the need is most critical. One of our global partners, the Bible Society of Egypt, sent us these encouraging stories that we want to share with you - as we thank you for all the ways you come alongside believers and non-believers in Christ’s name. We always welcome your gifts for Bibles.
Dear Friends,
"This is what helped me understand the Old Testament,"said one man, pointing to an illustrated Bible in our Book Fair booth. Likewise, many others would point out the various children's Bibles that students have received throughout the past years. "This book helped to establish me in my reading! I read it all the way through!" said another grateful parent, thanking the staff for the school distribution project. 
Book Fair crowds this year were estimated at about one million visitors, which is 50% less than past years. There was a distinct attitude of freethinking and independence in the air, with discussion and debates taking place all day long in all of the venues.We praise God for this occasion to provide the scriptures to such a diverse audience, knowing that his word is relevant to each individual and each circumstance.We thank you your faithful prayers with us during this strategic time. In light of the crumbling security and increasing lawlessness, one never knows what to expect. We praise the Lord for keeping us safe from any problems during this time, despite the return of the annual harassers.
One young lady purchased a New Testament, and the staff suggested that she discretely put it out of view because of the people outside who would harass her and insist that she return the item. She boldly replied, "Give me some more!" and purchased several Bibles instead of one. As she went out, those waiting began to badger her. She yelled at them loudly, saying they had no right to tell her what to do! Another lady, who was older, was given the same treatment as she left our booth. She responded in quiet, motherly tones, giving them the same message; however, she refused to give up her rights. In fact, none of our customers returned any of the things they had purchased.
As usual, a large portion of our customers are people who wait for these Book Fair discounts and new items, which many purchase in bulk for their various ministries. The other regular customers are the unchurched who appreciate the opportunity to purchase a New Testament for just one Egyptian pound (15 cents)! About 4,000 New Testaments were sold on the fairgrounds this year.
More than one person, both staff and non-staff, remarked that when in need of encouragement during these difficult days of turmoil, just watching the eagerness of people as they purchased scriptures at the Bible Society booth provided renewed vision and passion for God's work in Egypt! 
God's word is impacting Marina, age seven. When she saw Kingo on the big screen in the Bible Society booth, Marina came running. "What's your favorite Bible story?" we asked. She immediately replied, "Samuel, I watch it at least once a week. He obeyed God even when he was very young, and that's what I want to do."
Dear friends, please continue to pray with us, that God's word will yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness in the hearts and lives of those who were able to access the scriptures at Book Fair 2012.  

Ramez Atallah 

The Outreach FoundationEgypt