Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, The Outreach Foundation has supported ministries across several church traditions in and around Ukraine. This has been kingdom-centered work lifting up the name of Jesus Christ through the church. We continue to receive stories of personal impact and spiritual revival from throughout the region, and our donors and congregations have been part of this.
In Kyiv…
Our primary partner, Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS), trains and supports chaplains, delivers humanitarian relief, and educates counselors on trauma and grief work. Through UETS, we support the extensive network of small congregations that are part of the Ukrainian Evangelical Church. We have also come alongside organizations like Peter’s Work, Mission Eurasia, and Radooga Ministry for humanitarian relief and children’s camps where families and orphans hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each of these ministries is connected firmly to major church bodies in Ukraine.
While we pray for an end to the war, this network has seen lives transformed through the love of God expressed tangibly through the church. Many who simply identified as Christian are discovering a personal walk with the Lord. Baptisms are surging. Lives are being transformed, even as war rages. The church has come together in a way that we have not seen in this region. For 30 years, since the fall of communism, the once nascent church has matured, and they are carrying forth the mission of God. In the words of one woman, a mother of two, “God brought me here to learn what Christian kindness is through the church. I go back to Ukraine now as a missionary showing my people the depth of God’s kindness and the way to follow Jesus truly.”
The present reality and steps into tomorrow
From Dr. Ivan Rusyn, president of Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary, we hear painful words. “Yes, there are advances but the cost is very high. The noose is tightening, and people need to hear our message of hope.” There is a major emphasis now on providing training for trauma counseling through the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary. With over six million Ukrainians internally displaced, the need for shelter, education, and especially childcare is immense.
Ways you can still help
PRAY UNCEASINGLY as directed in 1 Thessalonians 6:16-18. We continue to get requests for prayer from the church in Ukraine.
STAY INFORMED AND SPEAK as Paul encourages in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. Read the stories and share them as we seek to amplify the victorious voice of the church in this region. Consider inviting a conversation between your church’s leadership and Tom Boone or Mark Mueller.
RESOURCE GENEROUSLY as the Spirit leads you in Galatians 6:9. In addition to other needs, trauma among internally displaced people is becoming more visible with suicides, addiction, and marital problems on the rise.
We invite you to make a gift in support of these ministries to strengthen their outreach being done in Christ’s name.
Click here to give online now or you can mail a check to The Outreach Foundation, 381 Riverside Drive, Suite 465, Franklin, TN 37064. Designate your gift for UETS.
Word from Ukraine is difficult. We have had several sleepless nights in a row. Ivan looked more tired than I had seen him in a while. With our attention focused on elections, Russia, with help from North Korean troops, has been pummeling Ukraine daily. For weeks the situation has worsened in many cities, even Kyiv. I have learned to become more understanding with staff who suddenly become less effective. Ivan was speaking about a young married woman who had been doing well until recently. Her husband and father are on the front lines, and for several days, she has not heard from her brother. This war is taking a deep toll on the people, and the number of refugees has increased greatly as winter approaches.