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China: Remarkable Faithfulness and Growth - Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces

October 15-27, 2018 (Now Closed)

Travel with The Outreach Foundation to learn more about God’s mission in China. The trip will be led by Outreach’s Associate Director for Mission Juan Sarmiento. Our hosts will be the Jiangsu Provincial Christian Council. Cost of the trip is approximately $3,200 including airfare from Atlanta and all in-country costs: room, board and transportation, visa, and other fees. 

This trip will increase our exposure to the unparalleled ways in which the church is thiving in China today and the endurance that carried them through the very challenging circumstances of past generations. Our itinerary will include the cities of Shanghai, Suzhou and Nanjing. We will join The Jiangsu Theological Seminary in celebrating two decades of training much needed pastors for the growing church in the region. We will also visit Christian councils and cultural sites and the printing press that produces more Bibles than any other in the world. Special attention will be given to Presbyterian heritage and opportunities for continued partnership and exchange with one of the most vibrant churches of our days. 

Deadline for application and deposit is July 1, 2018.

For more information: 
Lisa Dill (615) 778-8881