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A Vision-Casting Trip for Emerging Presbyterian Leaders: South Korea

October 5-14, 2016

This opportunity is offered by The Outreach Foundation to young pastors, emerging Presbyterian leaders who have been in pastoral ministry for a decade or less. The purpose of the trip is to listen and to learn from South Korean church leaders who are impacting their nation and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. South Korea is one of the “success” stories of Presbyterian mission. Over 130 years ago Presbyterian and Methodist missionaries stepped ashore on Korean soil. They implanted mission principles of self-support, self-propagation, and self-administration in the Korean church that came into being. Empowered by a country-wide revival in 1907, the Church in Korea was able to grow exponentially in the 20th century in spite of suffering under Japanese rule for forty years and then facing a devastating civil war that has never really ended. 

21st century Korea presents the Church with a different context – economic success and technological innovation have created an upscale society with many leisure options. Church growth has slowed, mega churches have lost their glamor, and spiritually oriented youth are looking for a more radical expression of the faith. On this trip we will spend time sharing life and faith with new friends in urban and rural settings. We’ll have informal and formal meetings with pastors, local congregations, young adults, theologians, and other key leaders who are bringing change and transformation within their context. We pray and expect this trip will have a tremendous impact upon the lives and leadership of those who participate.  

This trip will be led by Jeff Ritchie. The estimated basic trip cost is $1,500 plus international airfare. Scholarship assistance will be available. A $150 deposit and application must be received to hold a place. 

For more details contact:
Lisa Dill