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Holy Land (CLOSED)

May 15-27, 2017

Join Associate Director Marilyn Borst in the Holy Land where we will visit Outreach’s strategic partners: Bethlehem Bible College, Palestinian Bible Society and Musalaha (a reconciliation ministry) to learn of their work and witness. We will also meet with other Palestinian Christian ministries to learn how they are seeking to be faithful under great pressure and with peace a seemingly elusive ideal in this controversial but compelling place. There will, of course, be ample time to experience the sites of the Biblical narrative and the places where Christ's life and ministry became incarnational, including the Jerusalem area, Bethlehem, Nazareth and the Galilee, as well as Jericho and the Dead Sea. Participants will be expected to absorb assigned readings which will help prepare them to explore the history and politics of a contested land, and to wrestle with the often-distorted theologies which have skewed our understanding of what the Bible teaches us about that land and the divine covenants (in both the Old and New Testaments) which were formed in that crucible.

Estimated land cost is $2,480, double occupancy.

For more information: 
Lisa Dill (615) 778-8881