together for the family
in Lebanon

About Our Partner

Together for the Family (TFF) is a faith-based relief organization located in Zahle, Lebanon, serving Syrian refugees with care and creativity. TFF provides educational classes for children, medical/dental clinics, job training in sewing, carpentry and hair/makeup application, baby care for new mothers, and more. In their newly opened center named the “Family Oasis Center,” there are playgrounds, feeding programs, and newly planted gardens to supply vegetables for the meals. Soon, solar panels will relieve the economic pressure of expensive electricity.

The Impact

While sharing the message of the Good News that is Christ, Together for the Family ministers to refugee families with a Baby Ministry for newborns, offers basic education classes for children who have lost years of schooling because of the war in Syria, provides food parcels and medicines and assistance for emergency medical care and runs “trauma camps” to help young people process the emotional upheaval caused by war and relocation.

THE opportunity

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Together for the Family. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help TFF provide food and other basic material goods, as well as support programs that offer Syrian refugees hope and healing.