Meet 11-year-old Yande N’goma, and 10-year-old Chete Kalaba! They are our Zambian hosts for Show the Love. This innovative, stimulating, 5-day VBS or 5-week Sunday school program was filmed on location in Zambia, Africa. Yande and Chete provide an exciting opportunity for your K-6 children to meet children from another part of the world.
The Outreach Foundation, with our mission partner, Alliance for Children Everywhere, has worked in Zambia in the Crisis Nurseries program since 1999. The Crisis Nurseries are a safety-net for orphaned and abandoned children. They provide immediate and vital care, until it is possible to safely integrate children with extended family or place them in foster or adoptive homes.
Through the thought-provoking Bible based curriculum, videos, hands-on activities, original upbeat music, and colorful handouts, Show the Love will strengthen your children’s grasp of the key biblical truths of caring and sharing, which includes an opportunity to collect change for the children in our Crisis Nurseries. This program is FREE for use in Sunday school classes, VBS, or even as a program for your entire church family.
To get started, register at: or call Ebralie at The Outreach Foundation 615-778-8881 for more information.