Bob and Kristi Rice

Presbyterian Mission Agency

South Sudan


About Our Partner

Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS)

Bob and Kristi Rice have been serving with PC(USA) in South Sudan since 2017. Bob serves as an instructor at Nile Theological College, teaching courses in theology, church history, and discipleship. His passion is to empower and equip emerging church leaders and instruct them in a manner that is contextually relevant and helpful. On that note, he is pursuing a PhD through Stellenbosch University in contextual theology. Kristi supports healing and reconciliation ministry and community development initiatives through the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. A team of facilitators organizes workshops through churches across South Sudan to help people find God’s healing from trauma and promote unity in the midst of ethnic conflict. She also works with an ecumenical group to train more facilitators for these important workshops in South Sudan.

The Impact

Years of civil war and conflict have left South Sudan’s infrastructure in ruins and its people traumatized, but the region is home to abundant natural resources and many faithful people. PC(USA) is working with its church and ecumenical partners to help South Sudan maximize the promise of independence and improve the plight of the people.  

As an ecumenical partner, we are committed to walking alongside our sisters and brothers in South Sudan. Lifting up God’s people and building the church as together we seek to better understand God’s love and God’s purposes in the midst of ongoing challenges, disruption, war, and dislocation. 


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Bob and Kristi Rice. All gifts of any size are welcomed.