Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries
in Pakistan

About Our Partner

Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries (PCRM), based in Faisalabad, is a full recording studio where they record audio, video, DVD, and internet media and broadcast on FM radio every day. They produce 15-minute lessons, mostly Bible studies, but also life lessons that teach the tenets of being a good Christian without actually preaching Christ. People of all faiths listen to these, and many send secure messages to PCRM. Staff people respond to these messages and are often able to build relationships and share the Gospel. PCRM has been building its social media platform in response to today’s needs and also produces and broadcasts Christian music to appeal to young people.

The Impact

The Good News of Jesus Christ is being shared in Pakistan through a variety of programming including radio, social media, audio CDs, and DVDs, using Urdu, Punjabi, and Saraiki languages. Biblical teaching, Christian music and ethical instruction form the core of the content. Their goal is to make a positive impact on people’s attitudes through Christian values.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission of Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries. All gifts of any size are welcomed to assist PCRM in its broadcast and recording ministry.