About Our Partner

PAK Mission Society

Founded in 2004 by Adeel Rehmat, current CEO, PAK Mission Society (PMS) fulfills the Great Commission in a challenging Muslim Majority context. Adeel’s passion for reaching the unreached with the gospel infuses his team of now over 250 paid leaders and interns engaged in holistic community development and programs. PAK Mission Society’s many programs are infused with a Christian worldview and address women’s empowerment, creation care, refugees, and social cohesion between minority and majority religious groups. The leadership board is comprised of leaders in the educational, political, business, and military sectors, so it is well-positioned to serve people’s needs across Pakistan. The majority staff's Christian witness is robust, with many learning the gospel and embracing Jesus as Lord.

PAK Mission Society is a successful Christian NGO operating wisely in a Muslim-majority context, receiving global recognition for its efforts. Some of their major partners include the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Tearfund, Kindernothilfe in Germany, and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce (WCCI). Consequently, though the Pakistani government has closed sensitive regions to other NGOs, PAK Mission Society is permitted. We are energized by this partnership since PAK Mission Society will take us into difficult-to-reach areas of Pakistan previously not open to us. Impressive, too, is the degree to which PAK Mission Society resonates with and encourages the local church community in Pakistan. They have provided ways for churches to address needs in Pakistan during floods, famines, and earthquakes.

The Impact

Our partnership with PAK Mission Society will aim to support its efforts to build new communities among the least reached of Pakistan in neighborhoods with little access to education, power, and water. We look forward to helping their team raise up Pakistan’s next generation of community leaders. These leaders come from both the Christian and majority populations as they learn to work together in projects and programs designed to build peace in Pakistan. Working with PMS’s theological training department, Arete, we will also participate in internship conferences and leadership training experiences.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of PAK Mission Society in Islamabad, Pakistan. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help further their work.