Home of Hope
in Harare, Zimbabwe

About Our Partner

Home of Hope remains a lifesaver to many in Harare, Zimbabwe, where opportunities are limited, especially for the homeless, widows, and single mothers. Help might be in the form of food, clothing, or education as well as by sharing the Good News of Jesus with those who have little, even a place to call home. Some mothers who can’t afford school fees or school uniforms receive help so their children can go to school. Food is served three days a week to 60–90 people each day, and medicine may also be provided for headaches, colds, or upset stomachs. If someone needs to be treated at the clinic, that help is available. In some cases, assistance with rent, food, and the basics to get started with a business are provided until the recipient is self-supportive and earning a living. One young man wanted to cook and sell food, so he received help to buy a stove and the food to get started, and now he is doing well for himself.

The Impact

The Home of Hope provides for the children, their education, and the challenges they face, as well as the mothers who graduate from the skills program and begin earning some income to break the cycle of poverty and prevent their children from going on the streets.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Home of Hope in Harare, Zimbabwe. All gifts of any size are welcomed to minister to those in need.