Forman Christian College
in Lahore, Pakistan

About Our Partner

Forman Christian College

Forman Christian College (FCCU) is a liberal arts institution and one of the few places in Pakistan where people of different faiths can engage openly and freely. Even the female students feel fully accepted and able to pursue their individual dreams in a male-dominated society. More than 340 faculty members between the college and university bring an international perspective to the classroom.

The Impact

Forman has become an educational leader in the liberal arts and sciences as it prepares men and women with moral values for peaceful service to their churches, communities, and nations. By gaining a quality education, students are able to find good jobs which help lead their families out of poverty. Because women can gain a college education, they can prove their contributions count and change the future of their families.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Forman Christian College in Lahore, Pakistan. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help provide scholarships for students.