About Our Partner

Evangelical Synod of the Nile (the Higher Council of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Egypt)

The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC) prepares, equips, and trains not just pastors and leaders of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and various churches in Egypt, but the lay pastors, elders, and men and women who lead the ministries of the individual churches. Online instruction was already being utilized prior to the pandemic, and the program has moved from not having any women in the program to women making up 35% of the student body. The curriculum is designed so that the student has an intellectual, spiritual, and character transformation. They are missional in their approach so that the church can be missional, and because the seminary believes in a practical hands-on approach to ministry, well-developed internships happen in conjunction with academic instruction.

The Impact

ETSC trains students each year to serve the Church in Egypt and beyond, with students serving as pastors, church planters, elders, and teachers.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo. All gifts of any size are needed for scholarships and operations, the Center for Middle East Christianity, and capital improvements of a flat that will expand program capabilities.