Emergency Appeal for Health Crisis in China

You can help Christian churches in China as they respond to the Coronavirus epidemic.

The city of Wuhan has been sealed off since January 23 to contain the spread of the Coronavirus. As the epicenter of the outbreak, it has been subject to strict public health measures. Since then, Christians in China have responded by supporting the sacrificial efforts of medical personnel and volunteers serving the more than 11 million residents of the city. They provide support to the medical staff tending to the distressed population of the Hubei province.

In the last few decades, The Outreach Foundation nurtured the relationship that Presbyterians in the United States have had with churches in China for almost two centuries. We have led groups to visit congregations and seminaries in more than 8 Chinese cities. Our trips have been opportunities to witness firsthand how our brothers and sisters joyfully share the Gospel and contribute to the wellbeing of Chinese society. We have been inspired by their love for the Bible and commitment to serving the poor and the elderly. It has also been our pleasure to coordinate the visit of pastors to congregations in the US and to come alongside initiatives to develop pastors.

Outreach has provided updates and invited American churches to pray for the people of China as it deals with the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Our partners have donated and delivered more than ten thousand medical protective screens, 250,000 pairs of medical examination gloves, close to 50,000 masks, and hundreds of tons of disinfectants. Although it is a minority in Chinese society, the church is responding to this troublesome situation by expressing the love of God in tangible ways. 

The Outreach Foundation is mounting an appeal to come alongside the two largest Christian organizations in mainland China. The funds will contribute towards the purchase of additional masks, gloves, and other medical equipment that will be delivered to the medical personnel and volunteers in Wuhan.

This serious public health emergency represents an unparalleled opportunity for us to present a very concrete demonstration of the Gospel and the unity of the body of Christ. The regular price of 100 medical gloves and protective masks is $20.00. Medical screens can be purchased for $6.00 per unit. We have verified that our partners have the logistical capacity for the prompt delivery of the needed items.

As individuals: make a gift to the Emergency Appeal for China, share this information with friends, and bring this Appeal to the attention of your pastor and mission committee.

As churches: make a gift now from reserve or contingency funds on hand and consider a church-wide offering in the weeks ahead.

The Outreach Foundation gives thanks to God that you are on this journey with us alongside the faithful, witnessing Church in China. Amid so much fear and uncertainty, the government and the civil society are working tirelessly to serve the people of Wuhan, including close to half a million Christians. We have received very effusive expressions of gratitude from several Chinese leaders for the prayers that God’s people are lifting on their behalf.  Checks can be sent to our office at 381 Riverside Drive, Suite 110, Franklin, TN 37064, designated to our China Appeal, or by making an online gift.