Partnerships that support clean water


Clean Drinking water in KENYA

Clean drinking water is a much sought-after commodity in East Africa, and The Outreach Foundation and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), along with local churches, have partnered to bring water to thirsty villages. Much of the work provides water tanks to families and boreholes to communities.

Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province, Mozambique

The Outreach Foundation actively supports a holistic evangelism project in Mozambique’s Tete Province that helps our global partner, the Presbyterian Church in Mozambique, reach out to their neighbors to share the Gospel in a variety of ways including building new wells to supply clean water to many villages.

Cistern building in mexico

Todd and Maria Luke’s Gospel-driven outreach to build cisterns in Mexico gives families, many of whom are indigenous Ch’ols suffering from poor health due in part to lack of clean water, access to an abundant supply of rainwater that makes a family healthier. Ch’ol Presbyterian laymen organize families to work together to build family-owned cisterns that collect rainfall.