Mission Devotional Day 25

Ambassadors for Christ

Mission Devotional Day 25

READ: II Corinthians 5:16-21

In this marvelous statement of God’s mission, Paul describes how in Christ, God was reconciling the world unto himself, and he has entrusted to us a ministry of reconciliation. In Ephesians, Paul writes of how God is gathering up all things in Christ.

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Mission Devotional Day 24

Just as the body is one and has many members

Mission Devotional Day 24

READ: I Corinthians 12

In this well-known chapter, the Apostle Paul uses the body as a metaphor for the church. I have to admit that in the past I usually applied this metaphor to particular congregations. It was natural to think about different church members and the gifts that they bring to the life of the body of Christ.

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Mission Devotional Day 23

I truly understand that God shows no partiality

Mission Devotional Day 23

READ: Acts 10

In this long story about Peter and the centurion named Cornelius, Luke describes the early church’s struggle to understand whether or not one first had to become a follower of Moses in order to follow Jesus. In other words, “Could a non-Jew become a Christian?” We know from Acts 9 that God is doing something new in his mission because Paul has been appointed an apostle to the gentiles. Still, this was something that the church struggled with. After Cornelius’ encounter at Caesarea shakes him to the core of all that he held dear, Peter concludes, “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.” When the Holy Spirit is poured out upon Cornelius and the others, Peter understands that there is nothing to prevent them from being baptized. Peter certainly is not going to stand in the way!

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Mission Devotional Day 22

To the ends of the earth

Mission Devotional Day 22

READ: Acts 1:6-11

Why should we be so concerned about the world?

Not only does Jesus tell us, “For God so loved the world,” but in his last words to the disciples, he tells them that they shall be his witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. As some have put it, Jesus sends his followers around the corner and around the world.

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Mission Devotional Day 21

As the Father has sent me, so I send you

DAY 21

READ: John 20:19-21

Each of the gospels have a section in which Jesus makes it clear that his followers are sent out into the world to continue his redeeming work. There is in the gospels an unmistakable agreement about the work of witness being the foundation of Christian mission.

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Mission Devotional Day 20

I will make you fish for people

Mission Devotional Day 20

READ: Mark 1:16-20

Jesus’ first encounter with the disciples in Mark’s gospel occurs along the shore of Galilee where they are tending their fishing nets. Jesus says, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” Those are his first words. In his last words to the disciples, he tells them that they shall be his “witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

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Mission Devotional Day 19

Remember, I am with you always

Mission Devotional Day 19

READ: Matthew 28:16-20

This passage is known as the Great Commission, and it is Matthew’s statement of Jesus sending the disciples out into the world to continue his work. Note the “all’s” that fill this section: all authority, all of the nations, all that I have commanded you, I’ll all-ways be with you. One of the things that I find encouraging about this passage is that Matthew writes honestly about the disciples’ doubt. They are clearly still trying to figure out what all this means – Jesus’ actions and his words, his crucifixion, and resurrection. This one thing is clear: He says to them, “Go!”

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Mission Devotional Day 18

When was it that we saw you?

Mission Devotional Day 18

READ: Matthew 25:31-46

There are several things that I find remarkable about this story Jesus tells. In the first place, there is the way that Jesus identifies with the last, the least, and the lost. In the second place, I find it significant that everyone is surprised. Those who didn’t reach out to the poor or are surprised, and those who did reach out are also surprised. Since everyone is surprised, I suppose that were we to place ourselves in the story, we’d likely be surprised, too.

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Mission Devotional Day 17

You shall love the Lord your God

Mission Devotional Day 17

READ: Matthew 22:34-39

The gospel of Matthew is known for its extended teaching passages, and some scholars see five major sections in Matthew that correspond to the Torah, the Five Books of Moses. Certainly, Matthew’s is the most Jewish of the gospels. Matthew records Jesus summarizing his instruction in the Great Commandment, the Great Judgment, and the Great Commission.

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Mission Devotional Day 16

So that they might hurl him off the cliff

Mission Devotional Day 16

READ: Luke 4:16-30

Much of Jesus’ ministry took place in the region of Galilee in northern Israel not far from his boyhood home in Nazareth. Capernaum, which served as a kind of home base for the disciples after Jesus’ public ministry began, was only about 20 miles from Nazareth. Towns dotted the landscape and it is easy to see how word of his extraordinary teaching could quickly spread.

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Mission Devotional Day 15

One does not live by bread alone

Mission Devotional Day 15

READ: Luke 4:1-15

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are often referred to as the synoptic gospels because they offer similar synopses of Jesus’ life and teaching. Probably the basic outline was provided by Mark’s gospel. The three synoptics each record that Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit for a time of testing or tempting by the evil one after he was baptized by John.

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Mission Devotional Day 14

God loved the world so much

Mission Devotional Day 14

READ: John 3:16

God loved the world so much! David Bosch writes, “Mission has its origins in the fatherly heart of God. He is the fountain of sending love. This is the deepest source of mission. It is not possible to penetrate any deeper: there is mission because God loves [people].” Forty-six times in the Gospel of John alone Jesus says that the Father has sent him, often adding that it is for the sake of the salvation of the world.

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Mission Devotional Day 13

The word became flesh

Mission Devotional Day 13

READ: John 1:1-18

Matthew begins his gospel with a genealogy. Mark begins with the ministry of John the Baptist. Luke begins his gospel with a dedication to Theophilus. John begins in eternity – “in the beginning.” His soaring theology is reflected in the traditional symbol for John, the eagle. But it doesn’t take long for John, as the other gospel writers do, to ground his telling of the gospel story in history. He writes in verse 14: “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” The Greek text could be translated “tabernacled” or “pitched his tent.” I love how Eugene Petersen renders this text: “And the Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.”

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Mission Devotional Day 12

What does the Lord require?

Mission Devotional Day 12

READ: Micah 6:8

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” God’s justice is his saving action on behalf of his people. Human justice is the effort that we make in response to God’s goodness as we carry out his will.

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Mission Devotional Day 11

I knew that you were a gracious God

Mission Devotional Day 11

READ: Jonah 1-4

In the brief book of Jonah, we read the story of a reluctant prophet. God appointed Jonah to call the people of Nineveh to repent, but Jonah runs in the other direction. It becomes clear that God loves the Ninevites much more than Jonah does.

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Mission Devotional Day 9

By the rivers of Babylon—we sat down and wept

Mission Devotional Day 9

READ: Psalm 137

When the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar’s army in 586 B.C. and the people were taken as hostages to Babylon, they faced a tremendous crisis of faith. How could God have allowed this to happen to them? Well, they sort of knew what had transpired because the prophets had foretold their coming judgment. But how could they worship God in a strange land? How could they practice their faith without the temple?

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Mission Devotional Day 8

The fast that I choose

Mission Devotional Day 8

READ: Isaiah 58

In this chapter, the prophet Isaiah speaks plainly about the disconnect between the religious actions of the people and their social responsibility. The people question why God has not paid attention to their fasting. Why has God not taken notice? Simply stated, God tells them that it is because they are not seeking him. They are seeking their own interest. As Jesus says of those who parade their piety before others, they have their reward.

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Mission Devotional Day 7

Wounded for our transgressions

Mission Devotional Day 7

READ: Isaiah 53

This portion of the book of the prophet Isaiah functions at different levels of meaning. Some see Israel as the suffering servant. Others identify the servant with the prophet. Nevertheless, it is easy to understand how the early Christians understood this text as pointing ahead to the Messiah, to Jesus. In fact, it is one of the Old Testament texts that the New Testament most often references.

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Mission Devotional Day 6

It is too light a thing

Mission Devotional Day 6

READ: Isaiah 49:6-7

David Bosch, a famous South African mission scholar, points out, “There is, in the Old Testament, no indication of the believers of the old covenant being sent by God to cross geographical, religious, and social frontiers in order to win others to faith in Yahweh.” Yet in Isaiah 42 and 49, we read of Israel’s call to be “a light to the nations.” It is an echo of God’s covenant with Abram in which God said He would bless Abram and that in him all of the peoples of the earth would be blessed.

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