Sustaining the Vision over Time: A Look at Two of the Churches Supported by The Outreach Foundation


by Jeff Ritchie

The previous chapter recounted the work of new church development and church revitalization by the Pastoral and Outreach Ministries Council of the Synod of the Nile over the past twenty years. The results have been an amazing 25% increase in the number of churches in the Synod and the revitalization of churches in the rural areas of the country. The question this chapter will attempt to answer is, what is the long-term future for these new and revitalized churches? Two churches that are case studies of what the Church in Egypt hopes for all its congregations are the Evangelical Church in the city of 10th of Ramadan, and the Evangelical Church in the city of 15th of May. They have been chosen because they were among the first projects of The Outreach Foundation in Egypt.

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Words from friends on COVID-19: Brazil

The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPIB), represented by the moderator of his General Assembly, the Rev. João Luiz Furtado, wants to express profound acknowledgment for the donation of $4000 to be used for the development of some projects of great relevance to the kingdom of God and our mission in our country.

The world is living in times of calamity. There is a crescent expectation that, in the next months, a strong crisis in the economy will affect all the sectors of our society all over the planet. With the church, it will not be different, especially with the pastors and missionaries that make their living from the offering of the local churches.

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The Outreach Foundation
A reflection on COVID-19 from Todd Luke

by Todd Luke

These days, everyone is trying to establish dominion over the COVID-19 virus. That makes perfect sense. We were literally made by God to do that. In Genesis 1 we read, “Let us make men and women in our image, in our likeness, and let them have dominion over all the earth...and over all the creatures...including viruses.” I added the last two words. We can argue about our effectiveness and methods for accomplishing this task, but clearly, we were designed to rule over God’s creation.

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The Outreach Foundation
Words from friends on COVID-19: Tete Province, Mozambique

Dear Friends of Tete Province,

I want to give you an update on our Holistic Evangelism Project in Tete Province, Mozambique. The government of Mozambique has instituted social distancing and mitigation efforts to try and prevent widespread COVID-19 infection. At this point, there are very few reported cases in the country, but there has been very little testing. I am happy to report that Sebber Banda, Outreach missionary to Mozambique, and her family are well. Her children, Adam and Nancy, are with her at her home in Blantyre, Malawi. This is the first time the three have been together for an extended period in quite some time, and Sebber is thrilled to have them at home. We are very grateful for their health and safety.

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The Outreach Foundation
Words from friends on COVID-19: Kenya

From Stu and Annie Ross, East Africa Mission Consultants for Outreach

The Coronavirus pandemic is gripping Kenya as it is also crippling the United States. There are some big differences comparing the two countries.

In Kenya, communications are not as good as here. Only 50% of Kenyans have internet. So many people in Kenya are not getting all the information needed. Also, statistics on the pandemic are not very reliable.

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The Outreach Foundation
A Vision for Church Planting and Church Revitalization 


by Jeff Ritchie

The Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Egypt has always had congregations that were passionate about starting new churches. Presbyteries were also initiators of church plants. However, at the Synod level of the EPCE, there was neither the staff nor budget to sponsor new church development at the time The Outreach Foundation began its work in Egypt.

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Words from friends on COVID-19: Rwanda

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Please do receive our greetings in Jesus’ name our Lord and Savior.

The COVID-19 which started in China in the end of 2019 continues to spread worldwide. The first case has been confirmed in Rwanda on 14 March 2020 and today 113 people are tested positive and infected but many others are isolated for being in contact with those who are infected. To stop the outbreak of the virus the Government of Rwanda has applied precautionary measures including avoid mass gatherings like Sunday services, physical meetings, all services and offices as well as the closure of all schools. People are staying in their respective homes. These measures have affected the activities at all levels and life in the country in general and in the church in particular, especially the life of poor people, people with disabilities, the elderly and others who are living of their remuneration after daily work which means that no work no payment.

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The Outreach Foundation
Words from friends on COVID-19

East Africa COVID-19 situation, challenges, and response

By Frank Dimmock (Africa Mission Specialist – The Outreach Foundation)

As I write this, on April 9th, 51 of the 54 African countries have reported cases of the Coronavirus or COVID-19. South Sudan became the 51st country on Sunday, April 5, to identify a case. Many of the initial African cases were ‘imported’ by visitors from Europe and the Middle East to South Africa, Nigeria, and Rwanda.

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The Outreach Foundation
The Arab Spring and How It Affected the Church in Egypt 

by Jeff Ritchie

Up to now, this history has focused on the Church in Egypt and how The Outreach Foundation has engaged it. But the politics of Egypt have always affected the Christian community there, never more so than during the years 2011-2013. This chapter is the story of the “Arab Spring” as Egyptians experienced it.

Politics and The Outreach Foundation in Egypt: When The Outreach Foundation began working in Egypt, its President, Mr. Hosni Mubarak, had been in office for a long time and was quite authoritarian in his rule. Corruption, ruthless suppression of any opposition and the lack of improvement in the lives of the citizenry led to increasing discontent with his regime. When Outreach groups visited Egypt, the subject of who would become president after Mubarak and what kind of country would it be was frequently a topic of conversation. Alongside the above-mentioned issues, we heard concerns that the next President could be Islamist in orientation, and that the situation of Christians could worsen as a result.

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Words from friend on COVID-19: Egypt

From the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo


When ETSC launched its online distance learning program, no one imagined what far-reaching consequences would flow from this decision. The original goal was to make theological education available to students unable to travel to Cairo. It has certainly accomplished that goal, as a significant number of students take courses online. In the face of the coronavirus crisis, Dr. Hani Hanna, Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology, now describes the move as prophetic and gives thanks to God that the Seminary acted in faith to provide this learning platform. “We acted in faith in response to the church’s need. We stand open to the Lord’s guidance as we learn to discern the signs of times,” he said.

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Words from friends on COVID-19: Jerusalem

From Musalaha Executive Director — Dr. Salim J. Munayer

As we are approaching the most important holidays in our context here in Jerusalem, namely Passover for Jews, Easter for Christians and Ramadan for Muslims, we are questioning how we will celebrate these important occasions. The coronavirus outbreak is affecting us all regardless of our ethnic and religious background. This is especially challenging since all three holidays are celebrated in a communal manner and over shared meals. Coming together as families and friends is an integral part of the holidays. This is particularly true for us Christians living in Jerusalem as the Church of the Resurrection (Church of the Holy Sepulchre) is closed; only the third time in the Church’s history.

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Words from friends on COVID-19: Brazil

From Rev. João Luiz Furtado, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil


The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, a religious organization founded in 1903, a legitimate branch of the Protestant Reformation of the XVI century, with a wide legacy in mission, currently counting with 769 temples all over the national territory, congregating a contingent of about 100.000 members, under the leadership of 993 pastors and 65 missionaries, took the following posture in view of the serious crises promoted by the new coronavirus affecting both Brazil and the entire world:

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In Communion...

Dear friends,

Like so many of you, the staff and trustees of The Outreach Foundation have been directed to Shelter-at-Home, to wash our hands carefully, to maintain social distance and observe other precautions – all for the purpose of preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Rich and poor, meek and mighty, people of all positions and persuasions are observing the same disciplines. Some observers are suggesting that already in the response to this disease people are rediscovering their common humanity, being brought together in the face of a common threat.

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Words from friends on COVID-19: Bethlehem Bible College

A reflection from Bethlehem Bible College

By Daniel Bannoura, Lecturer of Islamic Studies and Comparative Religion at Bethlehem Bible College

At the beginning of March, my father was infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, and soon afterward my mother and I caught the virus from my father. Fortunately, the three of us only had mild symptoms of the virus, like fever, headache, and dry cough. That lasted for a couple of days and our health was restored to us quickly.

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Words from friends on COVID-19: Egypt

Dear Egyptian church friends and partners,

Peace in Christ

Hope all of you are doing fine with your loved ones through COVID-19 pandemic. We pray for God’s protection and mercy to everyone. And “Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing”, (Isaiah 40:26) NIV, this is our trust in His word as we are in His mighty hands.

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Words from friends on COVID-19: Cuba

Update from the Evangelical Seminary of Theology, Matanzas, Cuba

To SET partners and friends.

Dear brothers and dear sisters in Christ. “May grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord”. (2 Peter 1,2) We hope you are bearing up in spite of the manifold challenges that we all are facing with the new Coronavirus, COVID-19. We are reminded just how interconnected we are, our shared humanity and our responsibility for one another’s well-being. May the Spirit of life continue to breathe life into our every effort to affirm life in abundance for all!

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The Outreach Foundation
Words from friends on COVID-19: South Sudan

Greetings to you in the name of Christ our Savior! We want to send you a quick update on our current situation. In light of the current global Coronavirus pandemic, Presbyterian World Mission requested all mission co-workers to return to the U.S. We had prepared to 'shelter-in-place' in Juba, but realized that with the uncertain future and border closings it might be good to return. We made quick plans and left Juba on Sunday to return to the U.S. We are self-isolating for a couple of weeks as a precaution in case we picked up anything while traveling, and then will be staying in IL until we can return to Juba.

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The Outreach Foundation
A Broader response to the COVID-19 Pandemic  

by Juan Sarmiento

Much has changed in the world in the last few weeks. On February 12, the Outreach Foundation extended an open invitation to come alongside Christians in China in order to provide much needed protective equipment in the city of Wuhan and the province of Hubei. With our help, the people of China were undertaking massive efforts to play a crucial role in the efforts of containment and mitigation of the COVID-19 virus. As we joined in celebrating a notable decrease in the number of new cases, The Outreach Foundation recognized that our efforts needed to expand.

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The Outreach Foundation

From Pakistan partner, Foreman Christian College (FCC)

Dear Partners and Praying Friends,

I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and secure in God’s love and care for us in this broken and health-challenged world. Who could have guessed that a month ago church doors would be closed with worship moved online, public schools shut down with parents becoming classroom monitors, and our nursing homes closed to family visitors? This COVID-19 pandemic has upended all that we regularly depend upon and gives us one more opportunity to trust in the Lord with all your heart. (Proverbs 3:5)

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The Outreach Foundation
Egypt Mission Networks in the United States 


by Jeff Ritchie

The Outreach Foundation has been an active participant in several of the PCUSA Mission Networks during the late 1990s and early 2000s. As our commitment to mission in Egypt began to increase, we realized that there was no Egypt Mission Network in the PCUSA as such. To be sure, US Presbyterians, with more than 150 years of mission in Egypt, were still connected with the Church in Egypt through a handful of PCUSA missionaries along with a few advocacy groups focused on specific ministries or mission organizations (see Appendix for a list of some of these). There was no specific group, however, which had a focus on building the capacity of the Egyptian Church for its evangelistic outreach. The Outreach Foundation and Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship thus decided to create one and hoped it eventually would be part of an inclusive, country-wide network in which all those with mission connections in Egypt could share what each other was doing, learn best practices in mission, and pray for God’s work in Egypt.

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