Together for the family appeal

A Devastating Fire Causes Extensive Damage

Our friends at Together for the Family in Lebanon reached out to share some urgent news and request support during a time of critical need. Recently, a devasting fire swept through their facilities, causing extensive damage and significantly impacting operations and community service projects.

The fire destroyed crucial infrastructure, including:

-          All contents of newly equipped computer lab (10 desktops, 22 laptops, multiple screens, LCD projector, 60-inch TV screen, desks, tables, etc.)

-          Prefabricated structure for computer lab

-          Main administrative office with all its contents

-          Furniture

-          Surveillance cameras and air conditioning system

This disaster has hindered Together for the Family’s ability to provide computer classes and proper administration, affecting many families and individuals who rely on them for these critical services. They are committed to rebuilding so they can continue to serve their community. While devastated by this fire, they are optimistic that they will bounce back stronger, continuing to fulfill their calling as a ministry.

Your generous support can make a huge difference in their recovery efforts. Your donation can help restore damaged furniture, provide computers and screens, and help replace the damaged prefabricated structures. Any amount will make a difference. With your support, we can help our friends at Together for the Family overcome this challenge, by God’s grace. We also ask that you keep Together for the Family in your prayers as they work to navigate this challenging time in their ministry.

The Opportunity

The Outreach Foundation seeks gifts to help Together for the Family recover from this devastating fire. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help Together for the Family provide computer classes and support programs that offer Syrian refugees hope and healing. You can make a gift by sending a check to The Outreach Foundation or by giving online at the link below.